A. Back Levers
5 sets, 5 sec hold; rest 45 sec.
B. 10 min of KB Snatch Practice
C. 5 Rounds for Times
Rest 2 min between rounds
Pull-ups 9 (You may kip and/or use a band)
KB snatch x 9 (per arm) 35/50 lbs
3 wall walks (you should set a standard at the beginning (chalk line) in terms of where your palms will reach on each wall walk. Try not to let the feet hit the floor between reps.
Beginners: if You are having trouble with the KB snatch do 1 arm KB swings.
Beginners: If you are not ready for wall walks please do negative push-ups x 5
Nice work this morning ladies; snatching cold KB like nobody's business!