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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A. Static Pull-Ups
Advanced: Wide grip: 3-7 reps; rest 1 min x 5 sets
Intermediate: 1-5 chin-ups or pull-ups; rest 1 min x 5 sets (if you have 5 chin-ups then it is time to work on pull-ups)
Beginner: 1 negative, rest 45 sec x 5 sets

If you did gymnastics yesterday do Turkish Get Ups:
2 reps per arm x 3 sets; rest 2 min.

B. For TIme: 10-1 (see Friday, Jan 27, 2010)
Hang Squat Clean Ladder 95/135 lbs
You must do each set unbroken. So you do 10 reps unbroken, and then rest, 9 reps unbroken, and then rest, until you hit 1 rep.

Beginners: hang squat cleans: 5 reps, rest 2 min x 5 sets (you can go up in weight each time but your main focus is technique).

C. Only for those who do the Beginner Hang Squat Cleans:
50 OH lunges for Time (consult with your coach on an appropriate weight).

1 comment:

  1. Great work Wednesday night crews !

    - MB
