Advanced: 1-5 reps HSPU x 5 sets; rest 2 min.
Intermediate: HSPU Cluster Sets on Parallettes: 5 sec negative, rest 10 sec x 5 reps, 3 sets; rest 2 min.
Beginner: Downward Dogs Cluster Sets, 1 rep, rest 10 sec x 5 reps, 3 sets; rest 2 min.
If you have 5 HSPU, work on plates.
B. 3 Sets For Times
Row 300 meters
4-10 Ring Dips (complete in 3 sets).
5-20 kipping pull-ups (complete in 3 sets).
Rest 5 min.
My type of WOD!
ReplyDeleteI think you might need to add more ring dips, no? How many can you bang out unbroken?
ReplyDeleteI'd say double up his reps. Well, that's just my suggestion. ;-) And no rest.
ReplyDeleteHe also has that weight vest in his car...
ReplyDeleteNice, guys. But after HSPU's 10 dips will be enough. I'll be breaking them up before long.
ReplyDeleteThis one hit my weak shoulders really hard. I could only do 2-3 negatives for 5 sets and without parallettes since ceiling height is an issue.
ReplyDeletePart B was also very hard since I haven't done very many ring dips or any KPLU in a few months. So very weak right now. frustrating to be able to knock out 40 kplu then struggle to get 5 in a row. It'll come but still frustrating.
Solid effort all around! I like the new HSPU negative work on the parallettes. It really makes you work that dropping point!