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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2010

Advanced: on parallettes, 1-5 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 min
Intermediate: cluster sets- 7 sec negative, rest 10 sec x 3 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 min
Beginner: Downward dogs cluster sets - 1 rep, rest 10 sec x 3 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 min
If downward dogs are too difficult do Press @ 22x2, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min.

B. Anaerobic Lactic Endurance: This one should take approx. 90 sec. If if takes longer, adjust the reps and/or weight after the first round.

Row 100 meters
8 Push jerks @ 95/135 lbs
Run 100 Meters (50 meters there and back)
Rest 4 min.
5 sets

In your rest time, make sure to KEEP MOVING! You can simply walk around, or you could work on scapular activation on the bars. For those of you who want to learn to kip, this is a good opportunity to work on that.


  1. I really like the look of the lactic endurance portion. The overhead movements still feel wonky - I struggled to get 5 seconds with the negatives last time. If you didn't have a rower could you sub with some ring rows?

  2. Do you mean the negatives on the hspu?

    Ring rows or sdhp. at 55 lbs

  3. Yup, negatives on the HSPU. I couldn't use parallets because of the ceiling height in the basement so I just used the floor and an abmat to cushion the blow on my head after my arms gave out.

    Ahh...forgot about the sdhp, I'll use that. Thanks!

  4. This workout kicked my butt. I was wiped out for a while after.. Was a good 'un. It made me push hard because everything was short and fast. Jane

  5. I enjoyed this workout even though I always find overhead lifting frustrating. It was my impressive and tough competition (Brenda and Nancy) that kept me going so hard. Nice work ladies!


  6. When I coached last night I was happy to see folks working on their kipping pull ups in the active rest period!

    Most impressive was watching Sam achieve her first kipping pull-up! All that hard work is continuing to pay off Sam!

