Check out these photos! They make me smile.
Catherine's negative pull-ups . Catherine has been training all through her pregnancy.
Theresa's chest to wall push-up. Her palms are getting closer and closer to the wall. And she has an excellent bodyline!
In this photo Sandi is doing shoulder touches for 30 sec. She went back and forth from her right arm to her left arm. She remained rigid in the upper body and in general there was very little excess or inefficient movement.
Robyn moved onto weighted negatives today on her pull-ups. She has been at Flux for 3 months. She has 2-3 strict push-ups.
These are fantastic photos that illustrate the great gains being made (no pun intended Catherine!)! Congratulations to everyone on all their continual progress with these movements!
I accidentally posted this further down by mistake.. So I am re-putting it where I meant to. Great job everyone, is soo cool to see the progress people make so quickly.. Holy Theresa, you are soooo close to the wall and have such a nice line, so amazed by you!!! Way to go!!