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Monday, September 19, 2011

TUESDAY, September 20, 2011

Be sure to do 2 sets of 30 scapular retractions with a 1 sec pause at the top. For those of you that have trouble keeping your elbows straight when you retract your scapulae or when you do planche or handbalancing work - the elbows bend as a defense mechanism. If your scapulae are not activated and stabilized, and if your rhomboids and Trap 3 are weak, they cannot do their job of stabilizing the entire kinetic chain from the hand to the scapula. When this weakness presents itself, your elbows take over the job of stabilizing.

A. Pull-Ups

Beginner: If you cannot hold yourself over the bar for 5 sec, do ring rows: 5 reps x 5 sets; rest 1 min

Beginner: alternate between 1 negative and 1 concentric x 4 sets; rest 1 min (1 negative and 1 concentric = 1 set). Have someone assist you with the concentric.

Intermediate: 1-5 chin-ups or 1-5 pull-ups x 4 sets; rest 90 sec.

Advanced: AMRAP UNBROKEN Chest to bar pull-ups x 4 sets; rest 2 min.

B1. Turkish Get Up
3 reps per arm x 4 sets; rest 20 sec

B2. Front Squats
AMRAP in 30 sec @ 50% of your 1RM x 4 sets; rest 30 sec

B3. Intermediate and Advanced only do Ring Dips
Intermediate: 1-5 ring dips x 4 sets; rest 20 sec.
Advanced: AMRAP UNBROKEN, you must go into support position at the top of each rep; rest 20 sec.

If you DO NOT have a 10 sec support hold on the rings (a support hold on the rings requires that your hands be turned out. Support hold is NOT a neutral grip), do this: have a partner stabilize you on the rings and aim for 10 sec hold, support position. Then, bend your knees and have your partner assist you with your ring dip x 4 sets; rest 1 min.


  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDLv52Hf0r0

    Obviously this is way beyond anything I could hope to do but it's kind of cool watching this. I was just doing a google search for ring support holds and came across this vid.

  2. I enjoyed this WOD, or i would have enjoyed it if I didn't have this stupid cold. I am amazed at how weak I feel when i get sick now.

    Kurt, I have seen this one before. It isn't beyond you. With some consistency in ring training you could do that whole routine in less than a year.

  3. Hey Kurt, Chris is right!

    Nice to see progress on the support holds and ring dips and push-ups. Some of you are getting soooo close to that first chin-up...

  4. Loved the TGUs. - Mieka

  5. Good work tonight everyone!
    I love seeing people get TGUs for the first time.
