A. Handstand Push-Ups
Beginners: Downward Dogs, find your 1 RM Max Depth, then add height and do 2-3 reps for 5 sets; rest 2 min.
Intermediate and Advanced: Find your 1RM hspu, add height and do 2-3 reps x 5 sets; rest 2 min. Or, find your 1RM, add a bit less height and do AMRAP in 10 min.
B. For Time:
2 Rounds
Lizard crawl to the end of the gym, walk back and repeat x 3
20 jumping squats
static pull-ups 8/15
run 800 meters (beaver to the gym and to the beaver and back)
Lizard crawl to the end of the gym, walk balk and repeat x 3
Use a band for your static pull-ups if you can't do one.
Oo this looks fun! See you in the morning, Saturday crew!