Day 2 started out a little tough for Darci. WOD #3 was 21-15-9 deadlifts at 205 lbs and box jumps (24'). The cap for the wod was 12 minutes and Darci managed to get through the full rounds of 21 and 15 and then got in 7 of the final 9 deadlifts.
Although the weight was heavy for Darci (just 20lbs under her 1 rep max), she managed to maintain perfect form (which was noted by many folks). That's our Coach Darci - a stickler for good form and technique!
Darci shook off any concerns and went on to rock the fourth workout - the chipper - and finished 16th completing 100 pull ups, 100 kb swings (35lbs), 100 double unders, and 50 of the 100 overhead squats (65lbs). Once again she was complimented on her excellent form on her kb swings and her ohs! (She thinks it's all about the scapular strength work we've been doing.)
Darci finished 20th in wod #1, 14th in wod #2, 23rd in wod #3, and 16th in wod #4. Overall she finished 20th in the CrossFit Regionals Western Canada division!
To see more photos check out our flux CrossFit facebook page!
Wow! Congratulations Darci
Yay Darci! You did an amazing job, congrats on a solid performance!!!!!
Congratualtions to you Darci. Wow You must be proud of yourself. I am proud of you. Joan B