A. Clean High Pulls
Advanced: 5, 5, 5 Sets should be 10 kg over max clean.
Intermediate: 5, 5, 5 (add 10 lbs to your 3RM and then add another 10 each subsequent set).
Beginner: 5, 5, 5
B. 20 minute AMRAP
Hollow Rocks or Holds x 60 (less advanced in straddle)
5 wall walks
2 rope climbs (advanced no legs)
low lizard x 1/2 gym length
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Sunday, August 31, 2014
Saturday, September 6, 2014
A. Snatch Balance
Advanced: 5, 5, 5 At 50-60% of your max.
Intermediate and Beginner: 3 position x 3 sets (go up in weight with each set. First and second position are fine of you have poor mobility or stability.
B. 3 Rounds for Time:
KB Snatch x 12 35/55 lbs
Push Press x 11 75/115 lbs
Run 400 meters
Advanced: 5, 5, 5 At 50-60% of your max.
Intermediate and Beginner: 3 position x 3 sets (go up in weight with each set. First and second position are fine of you have poor mobility or stability.
B. 3 Rounds for Time:
KB Snatch x 12 35/55 lbs
Push Press x 11 75/115 lbs
Run 400 meters
Friday, September 5, 2014
A. Push up Tabatas
Advanced on rings
B.Every 5 minutes do:
Back Squat x 7 115/155 lbs
Double Unders x 20
Kipping Chest to Bar x 15
5 sets
See May 19, 2014
Advanced on rings
B.Every 5 minutes do:
Back Squat x 7 115/155 lbs
Double Unders x 20
Kipping Chest to Bar x 15
5 sets
See May 19, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
A. Snatch
Advanced: Daily Max plus 1 set of doubles.
Intermediate: Find a 3 RM and then do 4 sets at that weight.
Beginner: Power 5, 5, 5, 5 Go up in weight on each set
B. AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Kipping HSPU x 7
Double Unders x 30
See May 26, 2014
Advanced: Daily Max plus 1 set of doubles.
Intermediate: Find a 3 RM and then do 4 sets at that weight.
Beginner: Power 5, 5, 5, 5 Go up in weight on each set
B. AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Kipping HSPU x 7
Double Unders x 30
See May 26, 2014
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
A1. Front Squats x 8-10 Reps @ 30x1 x 4 sets; Session 1/4 (go up in weight only if you hit 10 reps)
Rest 90 sec.
Advanced: 3-5 reps x 4 sets
Intermediate: 5 reps x 4 sets
Beginner: 5 reps x 4 sets
Rest 60 sec.
B. 2 cleans plus 1 jerk All sets at 80% of your max.
Zero seconds rest
Sprint 200 meters
10 burpees AFAP
Rest 3 minutes
4 sets
Rest 90 sec.
Advanced: 3-5 reps x 4 sets
Intermediate: 5 reps x 4 sets
Beginner: 5 reps x 4 sets
Rest 60 sec.
B. 2 cleans plus 1 jerk All sets at 80% of your max.
Zero seconds rest
Sprint 200 meters
10 burpees AFAP
Rest 3 minutes
4 sets
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
A. Clean Grip Deadlift plus hang power clean plus clean 1.1.1 x 5 sets
Go up in weight with each set. First set around 65-70%. Advanced will be closer to 65%.
Rest 3 minutes.
B. 3 Round for Time:
Shoulder taps x 40
sandbag sprint 200 meters (50 meters there and back x 2) 40/75 lbs
sled rope pulls x turf length 90/135 lbs
Go up in weight with each set. First set around 65-70%. Advanced will be closer to 65%.
Rest 3 minutes.
B. 3 Round for Time:
Shoulder taps x 40
sandbag sprint 200 meters (50 meters there and back x 2) 40/75 lbs
sled rope pulls x turf length 90/135 lbs
Monday, September 1, 2014
A1. Deadlifts
Advanced and Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3
Beginner: 7, 7, 7, 7
Rest 60 seconds
Advanced: 3-5 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
Intermediate: 5 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
Beginner: Eccentric Downward Dog 10 sec 1.1 x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
B. On the minute, do 10 kipping pull ups until you hit 75 burpees. See April 14 and May 27, 2014.
Coaches, please reduce reps on kipping pull ups if athlete CANNOT do 10 reps unbroken.
Advanced and Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3
Beginner: 7, 7, 7, 7
Rest 60 seconds
Advanced: 3-5 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
Intermediate: 5 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
Beginner: Eccentric Downward Dog 10 sec 1.1 x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
B. On the minute, do 10 kipping pull ups until you hit 75 burpees. See April 14 and May 27, 2014.
Coaches, please reduce reps on kipping pull ups if athlete CANNOT do 10 reps unbroken.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
Sunday August 31, 2014
A1. push ups x 5 reps x 4 sets (advanced should do hovering push ups)
A2. pull ups or chin ups x 3-5 reps x 4 sets (advanced should do either wide grip or weighted)
A3. Back Squats 8-10 reps @ 32x2 x 4 sets Go up in weight only if you hit 10 reps and there is absolutely no pitching forward.
Rest 90 sec between A1 and A2 and 60 sec between A2 and A3.
B. 30 sec AMRAP air squats
30 sec rest
30 sec AMRAP KB Swings 35/55 lbs
30 sec rest
30 Sec AMRAP burpees
30 sec rest
5 sets
A2. pull ups or chin ups x 3-5 reps x 4 sets (advanced should do either wide grip or weighted)
A3. Back Squats 8-10 reps @ 32x2 x 4 sets Go up in weight only if you hit 10 reps and there is absolutely no pitching forward.
Rest 90 sec between A1 and A2 and 60 sec between A2 and A3.
B. 30 sec AMRAP air squats
30 sec rest
30 sec AMRAP KB Swings 35/55 lbs
30 sec rest
30 Sec AMRAP burpees
30 sec rest
5 sets
Friday, August 29, 2014
Saturday, August 30, 2014
A. Snatch High Pull plus Hang Snatch x 5 sets
Go up in weight with each set. Advanced, begin about 30-40lbs under your max.
Intermediate: 2 Snatch High Pulls Plus 1 Hang Snatch x 5 sets
Go up in weight with each set
Beginner: 3 snatch high pulls plus 3 hang snatch or power snatch x 5 sets
Weight is irrelevant. Make it pretty!
Add weight only if your lift is technically proficient.
B. Sprint x 200 meters
Toes to Bar x Unbroken
Rest 2 minutes
7 sets
Go up in weight with each set. Advanced, begin about 30-40lbs under your max.
Intermediate: 2 Snatch High Pulls Plus 1 Hang Snatch x 5 sets
Go up in weight with each set
Beginner: 3 snatch high pulls plus 3 hang snatch or power snatch x 5 sets
Weight is irrelevant. Make it pretty!
Add weight only if your lift is technically proficient.
B. Sprint x 200 meters
Toes to Bar x Unbroken
Rest 2 minutes
7 sets
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Friday, August 28, 2014
A. Thrusters x 10 35/45 lbs
Double Unders x 20
7 Burpees
Rest 1 minute
8 sets
NOTE: absolutely no stopping on this one. Double unders should be unbroken. If you cannot string 2 together, be sure to reduce reps significantly.
Thrusters x 7
45 single unders
5 burpees
rest 2 minutes
5 sets ( go up in weight with each set). Not for time.
B1. Trap 3 raises x 8 reps with 5 sec hold at top x 3 sets
B2. Jefferson curls x 10 reps x 3 sets 30 sec hold on last rep
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Thursday, August 28, 2014
If you do not have pistols, go to a box. No kipping pull-ups? Go ring rows.
10 pistols
10 ring rows (controlled tempo)
7 hang power clean
rest 60 sec.
5 sets
Complete for time:
80 Alternating Pistols
28 Pull-ups/C2B Pull-ups
20 115/175# Hang Power Cleans
The final workout is for the top 12 teams, in both female and male divisions. Athletes will share the work in sets; pistols are shared by sets of 8, Pull-ups are shared by sets of 7, and power cleans are shared by sets of 5. Each partner must finish their set of reps before other partner can rotate in. Once all work is complete, and both partners cross the finish line, the time is stopped.
Scoring: total time to complete. 13min time cap (for every rep that is not completed within the time cap, 1 second will be added to the teams time).
Alternating Pistol: Athlete must stand on one foot with other leg at full extension (knee locked out), then must come to a full depth one-legged squat on standing leg (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and return to full extension with control, and without other leg touching the ground. Each rep must be alternated between legs and must be successful before being credited with any other successful attempts on the other leg. Athlete may hold foot if they wish. Pistols will be done on lane mat.
Pull-Up/C2B Pull-up: The pull-up must be started with arms at full extension (elbows straight) hanging from the bar without their feet touching the floor and finished with chin clearly passing the horizontal plane of the bar. For the Chest-to-Bar Pull-up any part of their body below their clavicle must touch the bar (shoulders do not count). Any type of pull-up is permitted (strict, kipping, butterfly). No optional band will be given.
Hang Power Clean: Athlete will start the movement with the bar at their hips. They then can slide the bar as far as they want down their thighs as long as it does not pass below their knee cap, then bring the bar to their shoulders and stand in full extension (shoulders, hips, and knees in one straight line) with the elbows in front of the vertical line of the bar. Any type of clean is permitted (squat, power, split. Etc) as long as the standards are met.
If you do not have pistols, go to a box. No kipping pull-ups? Go ring rows.
10 pistols
10 ring rows (controlled tempo)
7 hang power clean
rest 60 sec.
5 sets
Complete for time:
80 Alternating Pistols
28 Pull-ups/C2B Pull-ups
20 115/175# Hang Power Cleans
The final workout is for the top 12 teams, in both female and male divisions. Athletes will share the work in sets; pistols are shared by sets of 8, Pull-ups are shared by sets of 7, and power cleans are shared by sets of 5. Each partner must finish their set of reps before other partner can rotate in. Once all work is complete, and both partners cross the finish line, the time is stopped.
Scoring: total time to complete. 13min time cap (for every rep that is not completed within the time cap, 1 second will be added to the teams time).
Alternating Pistol: Athlete must stand on one foot with other leg at full extension (knee locked out), then must come to a full depth one-legged squat on standing leg (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and return to full extension with control, and without other leg touching the ground. Each rep must be alternated between legs and must be successful before being credited with any other successful attempts on the other leg. Athlete may hold foot if they wish. Pistols will be done on lane mat.
Pull-Up/C2B Pull-up: The pull-up must be started with arms at full extension (elbows straight) hanging from the bar without their feet touching the floor and finished with chin clearly passing the horizontal plane of the bar. For the Chest-to-Bar Pull-up any part of their body below their clavicle must touch the bar (shoulders do not count). Any type of pull-up is permitted (strict, kipping, butterfly). No optional band will be given.
Hang Power Clean: Athlete will start the movement with the bar at their hips. They then can slide the bar as far as they want down their thighs as long as it does not pass below their knee cap, then bring the bar to their shoulders and stand in full extension (shoulders, hips, and knees in one straight line) with the elbows in front of the vertical line of the bar. Any type of clean is permitted (squat, power, split. Etc) as long as the standards are met.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
In warm up, please do 3 sets of bodyline drills (coach's choice) as well as 1 foot - 3 point contact.
Coaches, please prescribe as necessary for beginners.
A. BRUTES – EVENT 4: Engine (Aer Threshold)
12 round for time of;
5 65/95# axle thrusters
2 gym length sprints
Athletes share the work, tagging each other as each round is complete. Partners will start behind the line, on the “go” signal partner 1 completes 5 thrusters and 2 gym length sprints, returns to the line and tags partner 2, who repeats the same. This is repeated for a total of 12 rounds (6 rounds for each partner). Time stops when the last round is completed and both partners step past the finish line.
Scoring: total time to complete. 6min time cap (for every rep that is not completed within the time cap, 1 second will be added to the teams time).
Axle Thruster: Bar starts on the floor, athlete must get it to their shoulders. Bar must be in athletes front rack position, they must squat to full depth (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and push weight up to full extension overhead (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees in one straight line) in ONE motion. No push-jerks or the like will be permitted. Dropping of the weights will NOT be permitted – teams will receive a penalty of 10 seconds for every time the weight is dropped.
Sprint: After completing all thrusters, the athlete must run and must cross a minimum of one foot over the indicated line on the opposite end of their lane, and return to tag their partner.
B.3 position lizard x 6-10 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec ONLY
Coaches, please prescribe as necessary for beginners.
A. BRUTES – EVENT 4: Engine (Aer Threshold)
12 round for time of;
5 65/95# axle thrusters
2 gym length sprints
Athletes share the work, tagging each other as each round is complete. Partners will start behind the line, on the “go” signal partner 1 completes 5 thrusters and 2 gym length sprints, returns to the line and tags partner 2, who repeats the same. This is repeated for a total of 12 rounds (6 rounds for each partner). Time stops when the last round is completed and both partners step past the finish line.
Scoring: total time to complete. 6min time cap (for every rep that is not completed within the time cap, 1 second will be added to the teams time).
Axle Thruster: Bar starts on the floor, athlete must get it to their shoulders. Bar must be in athletes front rack position, they must squat to full depth (crease of hip below the top of the knee) and push weight up to full extension overhead (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees in one straight line) in ONE motion. No push-jerks or the like will be permitted. Dropping of the weights will NOT be permitted – teams will receive a penalty of 10 seconds for every time the weight is dropped.
Sprint: After completing all thrusters, the athlete must run and must cross a minimum of one foot over the indicated line on the opposite end of their lane, and return to tag their partner.
B.3 position lizard x 6-10 reps x 4 sets; rest 90 sec ONLY
Monday, August 25, 2014
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
A. BRUTES – EVENT 2: Max Effort Ladder (AnAl Power) Anaerobic Alactic Power (this means the event it is short enough that you do not create lactic acid). This is a test of strength.
Complete Max Effort Clean & Jerk
Females – 65-75-85-95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175#
Males – 155-165-175-185-195-205-215-225-235-245-255-265#
Athletes start at the lowest weight and move through the ladder until they cannot complete the weight successfully. Both partners will move together and will have 50 seconds between the 2 of them to complete the weight, there will be 10 seconds transition time given. If partner 1 fails, both partners still continue through the ladder with only partner 2 attempting the weights. Attempts cannot be started until the signal of “go” is given, and must be finished before the buzzer goes.
Scoring: Athletes will receive total weight completed plus one point for the clean and one point for the jerk. Both the Clean and Jerk must be completed to be allowed to move on to next weight.
Clean & Jerk: Athlete must bring the bar to their shoulders, then get the weight over their head in full lock out position (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees in one straight line). Any type of clean (power, full, spilt, etc) as well as any type of overhead movement (press, push-press, push-jerk, split jerk, thruster, etc) is permitted as long as the standards are met. Athlete needs to wait for the judges “down” signal before lowering the bar.
NOTE - I recommend you work with a third person so that he or she can change the weights for you. Make sure you have all the weights in front of you before you begin. You do not want to be scrambling for weights after the timer starts.
If you are not ready for max effort lifts (which is completely fine), please do the following:
5 sets of 3 for Intermediate
5 sets of 5 for beginners
The ONLY people who should do Event 2 are those that have either had practice doing max efforts or have been doing 3s and have no major technical issues. Ask your coach if you are unsure.
BRUTES – EVENT 3: Heavy Sprint (AnL Endurance) Anaerobic Lactic Endurance - Expect to feel the burn on this one.
AMRAP in 2 mins of:
2 185/315# Deadlifts
4 Lateral Bar Burpees
Rest 2 mins
AMRAP in 2 mins of:
5 Pull-Ups
4 Mat-Facing Burpees
Athletes share the work, tagging each other as each round is complete. Partners will start behind the line, on the “go” signal partner 1 completes 2 deadlifts and 4 lateral bar burpees, then returns to the line and tags partner 2, who completes the same. This is repeated for as many reps as possible in 2 minutes. There is 2 minute break, in which the athletes will transition to the next station. Partners will start behind the line, on the signal “go” partner 1 completes 5 pull-ups and 5 Mat-facing burpees, then returns to the line and tags partner 2 to complete the same. This is repeated for as many reps as possible in 2 minutes.
Scoring: teams will be given a score of total reps completed in the 2 minute period. Each 2 min AMRAP is scored separately. If band is used for pull-ups, this will automatically score that team under any team that choose not use the optional band.
Deadlift: Bar starts on the floor and athlete must lift weight to full lock out position (shoulders behind bar, and hips and knees fully extended). Dropping of the weight is permitted.
Lateral Bar Burpee: Athlete must start by touching both chest and thighs to the ground, to clear the bar a 2-foot take off is required – this is one rep.
Pull-Up: The pull-up must be started with arms at full extension (elbows straight) hanging from the bar without their feet touching and finish the pull-up with their chin clearly passing the horizontal plane of the bar. Any type of pull-up is permitted (strict, kipping, butterfly).
*option – a green band will be available for those athletes needing assistance. If the band is used by either partner at any time in the workout, this will automatically score them below any team that choose not to use this option.
Mat-Facing Burpee: Athlete must touch both their thighs and chest to the floor facing the plate and then must finish with both feet on top of the plate at the same time for the rep to be complete. Full extension IS required on the top of the plate, but athlete may step or jump off and on however they wish
No clock:
5 deadlifts
5 incline push ups @ 51x1
rest 90 sec.
3 sets
5 ring rows @ 31x1
5 mat facing burpees
Rest 90 sec
3 sets
Complete Max Effort Clean & Jerk
Females – 65-75-85-95-105-115-125-135-145-155-165-175#
Males – 155-165-175-185-195-205-215-225-235-245-255-265#
Athletes start at the lowest weight and move through the ladder until they cannot complete the weight successfully. Both partners will move together and will have 50 seconds between the 2 of them to complete the weight, there will be 10 seconds transition time given. If partner 1 fails, both partners still continue through the ladder with only partner 2 attempting the weights. Attempts cannot be started until the signal of “go” is given, and must be finished before the buzzer goes.
Scoring: Athletes will receive total weight completed plus one point for the clean and one point for the jerk. Both the Clean and Jerk must be completed to be allowed to move on to next weight.
Clean & Jerk: Athlete must bring the bar to their shoulders, then get the weight over their head in full lock out position (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees in one straight line). Any type of clean (power, full, spilt, etc) as well as any type of overhead movement (press, push-press, push-jerk, split jerk, thruster, etc) is permitted as long as the standards are met. Athlete needs to wait for the judges “down” signal before lowering the bar.
NOTE - I recommend you work with a third person so that he or she can change the weights for you. Make sure you have all the weights in front of you before you begin. You do not want to be scrambling for weights after the timer starts.
If you are not ready for max effort lifts (which is completely fine), please do the following:
5 sets of 3 for Intermediate
5 sets of 5 for beginners
The ONLY people who should do Event 2 are those that have either had practice doing max efforts or have been doing 3s and have no major technical issues. Ask your coach if you are unsure.
BRUTES – EVENT 3: Heavy Sprint (AnL Endurance) Anaerobic Lactic Endurance - Expect to feel the burn on this one.
AMRAP in 2 mins of:
2 185/315# Deadlifts
4 Lateral Bar Burpees
Rest 2 mins
AMRAP in 2 mins of:
5 Pull-Ups
4 Mat-Facing Burpees
Athletes share the work, tagging each other as each round is complete. Partners will start behind the line, on the “go” signal partner 1 completes 2 deadlifts and 4 lateral bar burpees, then returns to the line and tags partner 2, who completes the same. This is repeated for as many reps as possible in 2 minutes. There is 2 minute break, in which the athletes will transition to the next station. Partners will start behind the line, on the signal “go” partner 1 completes 5 pull-ups and 5 Mat-facing burpees, then returns to the line and tags partner 2 to complete the same. This is repeated for as many reps as possible in 2 minutes.
Scoring: teams will be given a score of total reps completed in the 2 minute period. Each 2 min AMRAP is scored separately. If band is used for pull-ups, this will automatically score that team under any team that choose not use the optional band.
Deadlift: Bar starts on the floor and athlete must lift weight to full lock out position (shoulders behind bar, and hips and knees fully extended). Dropping of the weight is permitted.
Lateral Bar Burpee: Athlete must start by touching both chest and thighs to the ground, to clear the bar a 2-foot take off is required – this is one rep.
Pull-Up: The pull-up must be started with arms at full extension (elbows straight) hanging from the bar without their feet touching and finish the pull-up with their chin clearly passing the horizontal plane of the bar. Any type of pull-up is permitted (strict, kipping, butterfly).
*option – a green band will be available for those athletes needing assistance. If the band is used by either partner at any time in the workout, this will automatically score them below any team that choose not to use this option.
Mat-Facing Burpee: Athlete must touch both their thighs and chest to the floor facing the plate and then must finish with both feet on top of the plate at the same time for the rep to be complete. Full extension IS required on the top of the plate, but athlete may step or jump off and on however they wish
No clock:
5 deadlifts
5 incline push ups @ 51x1
rest 90 sec.
3 sets
5 ring rows @ 31x1
5 mat facing burpees
Rest 90 sec
3 sets
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
This week we will be doing most of the Brute division events of the Bridge City Beat Down hosted by CrossFit Synergy.
BRUTES – EVENT 1: Light Chipper (Aer Capacity) Note that these are partner workouts. Aer Capacity simply means aerobic capacity. What makes it aerobic is that it is light, fast and long.
As far as individual prescription goes, I will leave this to each coach's discretion. My suggestion is that beginners should simply take the reps and weight down, and go off the clock.
For those that are more intermediate, I would rather the weight stay a bit higher and the reps a bit lower.
Run 400m
20 35/55# One-Armed Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
40 Alternating Overhead Plate Lunges
20 Mat-Facing Burpees
40 12/16kg Kettlebell Swings
20 55/75# Push Press
This workout runs as a conga line, meaning partners must wait until the station in front of them is free before moving forward. The workout starts with both partners at the rig. On the go signal, partner 1 will start their run out the door and follow the marked course. Once partner 1 comes back in from their run and touches their dumbbell, partner 2 can start their run. Each partner makes their way through the movements listed above. Total time is recorded when partner 2 crosses the finish line after their last push press.
Scoring: total time to complete. 15min time cap (for every rep that is not completed within the time cap, 1 second will be added to the teams total time).
Run: The athletes hands must be touching the rig and in their lane before the buzzer goes. On the go signal, athletes will run down their lane and out the door and follow the marked trail for their 400 m run. When they return back through the door they must touch the rig in their lane before heading to Dumbbell.
One-Armed Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: DB must start on the ground and finish in a full locked out position at the top (elbow, shoulder, hips, knees all in one straight line). On each rep, athlete must switch hands.
Alternating Lunges: Athlete must start at full extension standing position (torso, hips and knees all in straight line) then must step forward and touch their knee to the floor, then finish at full extension standing position, with feet parallel to each other. Athletes must hold the plate above their head without having the plate touch any part of their body. Athletes must alternate each knee touch between legs and must stay with in the lunges station. Should a knee not touch, that rep will not be counted and they will continue alternating their lunges.
Mat-Facing Burpees: Athlete must touch both their thighs and chest to the floor facing the mat and then must have both feet on top of the mat at the same time for the rep to be complete. Full extension of the hips IS required on the top of the mat. but athlete may step or jump off and on however they wish.
Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell starts in the hands below the athletes hips and then athlete must reach full extension (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees all in one straight line) with kettlebell overhead. There is no standard for how the kettlebell has to sit at the top of the overhead position.
Push Press: Bar must start touching some part of the shoulder complex (shoulders, clavicle or other) and must finish in the full lock out overhead position (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees in one straight line). The athlete can get their however they want as long as the standards are met. No dropping of the weights will be permitted – teams will receive a penalty of 10 seconds for every time the weight is dropped.
BRUTES – EVENT 1: Light Chipper (Aer Capacity) Note that these are partner workouts. Aer Capacity simply means aerobic capacity. What makes it aerobic is that it is light, fast and long.
As far as individual prescription goes, I will leave this to each coach's discretion. My suggestion is that beginners should simply take the reps and weight down, and go off the clock.
For those that are more intermediate, I would rather the weight stay a bit higher and the reps a bit lower.
Run 400m
20 35/55# One-Armed Alternating Dumbbell Snatches
40 Alternating Overhead Plate Lunges
20 Mat-Facing Burpees
40 12/16kg Kettlebell Swings
20 55/75# Push Press
This workout runs as a conga line, meaning partners must wait until the station in front of them is free before moving forward. The workout starts with both partners at the rig. On the go signal, partner 1 will start their run out the door and follow the marked course. Once partner 1 comes back in from their run and touches their dumbbell, partner 2 can start their run. Each partner makes their way through the movements listed above. Total time is recorded when partner 2 crosses the finish line after their last push press.
Scoring: total time to complete. 15min time cap (for every rep that is not completed within the time cap, 1 second will be added to the teams total time).
Run: The athletes hands must be touching the rig and in their lane before the buzzer goes. On the go signal, athletes will run down their lane and out the door and follow the marked trail for their 400 m run. When they return back through the door they must touch the rig in their lane before heading to Dumbbell.
One-Armed Alternating Dumbbell Snatches: DB must start on the ground and finish in a full locked out position at the top (elbow, shoulder, hips, knees all in one straight line). On each rep, athlete must switch hands.
Alternating Lunges: Athlete must start at full extension standing position (torso, hips and knees all in straight line) then must step forward and touch their knee to the floor, then finish at full extension standing position, with feet parallel to each other. Athletes must hold the plate above their head without having the plate touch any part of their body. Athletes must alternate each knee touch between legs and must stay with in the lunges station. Should a knee not touch, that rep will not be counted and they will continue alternating their lunges.
Mat-Facing Burpees: Athlete must touch both their thighs and chest to the floor facing the mat and then must have both feet on top of the mat at the same time for the rep to be complete. Full extension of the hips IS required on the top of the mat. but athlete may step or jump off and on however they wish.
Kettlebell Swings: Kettlebell starts in the hands below the athletes hips and then athlete must reach full extension (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees all in one straight line) with kettlebell overhead. There is no standard for how the kettlebell has to sit at the top of the overhead position.
Push Press: Bar must start touching some part of the shoulder complex (shoulders, clavicle or other) and must finish in the full lock out overhead position (elbows, shoulders, hips and knees in one straight line). The athlete can get their however they want as long as the standards are met. No dropping of the weights will be permitted – teams will receive a penalty of 10 seconds for every time the weight is dropped.
Friday, August 22, 2014
GUT TALK - What is Resistant Starch, Butyrate and Why They Make for a Happy Gut
"During the co-evolution of man and microbes, the human intestinal tract is colonised by some thousand species of bacteria. Gut borne microbes outnumber the total of body tissue cells by a factor of ten. Recent metagenomics analysis of the human gut microbiota has revealed the presence of some 3.3 million genes, as compared to the mere 23 thousand genes present in the cells of the human body tissues."
--Rijkers et al, Gut Microbiota in health and disease: a personalised summary of
the 3rth workshop
WOW!!! Seriously contemplate the above quote. - 3.3 million genes of microbacteria. The number is mind boggling.
To learn all about resistant starch, an important PREBIOTIC, click on the article below by Dr. Amy Nett, MD.
Dr. Net writes, "Prebiotics are indigestible carbohydrates, or at least indigestible to us, that reach the colon intact and selectively feed many strains of beneficial bacteria. Prebiotics are generally classified into three different types: non-starch polysaccharides (such as inulin and fructooligosaccharide), soluble fiber (including psyllium husk and acacia fibers), and resistant starch (RS). Each of these types of prebiotics feeds different species of gut bacteria, but among these, RS is emerging as uniquely beneficial."
Resistant starch ferments in your gut and produces short chain fatty acids, the most important one being BUTYRATE. You can read all about Butyrate and its benefits below. The article was written by the neurobiologist Stephan Guyenet.
The ANIMAL PHARM blog is another great place to start your research on RS and bacteria in general.
And finally read the following article for instructions on how to mix up your own BIONIC RESISTANT STARCH.
I hope you find this material compelling and thought provoking. Enjoy Your Gut as Yourself!!!!
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Fall Registration for Kids and Teens
We are exciting to be starting a new year with our Flux Kids and Teens Programs!
Our registration form is now live; please follow this link to complete it.
We are asking every parent to register their child online; new and returning young athletes alike. If you have more than one child registering, please complete a form for each.
Our registration form is now live; please follow this link to complete it.
We are asking every parent to register their child online; new and returning young athletes alike. If you have more than one child registering, please complete a form for each.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Why All This Gut Talk? PART I
"In the summer of 2008, a 26-year-old man from Shanxi Province walked
into a lab at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and 23 weeks later walked
out 113 pounds lighter. He had not participated in a clinical trial of
some new secret weight loss pill, or signed up for a punishing Biggest
Loser-style exercise program, nor had he been fussed over by behavioral
scientists who made his plates and drinking cups smaller with each
passing week. The researchers, who were microbiologists, had simply put
the man’s gut microbes on a diet.
of the huge mysteries in studies of diet and exercise is the difference
between people who get the same treatment but have remarkably different
outcomes. Inevitably, some people in a study show little improvement
despite weeks or even months of following what might seem like draconian
changes in their normal diet and lifestyle. Other people apparently
drop weight just by getting out of bed in the morning, and also improve
their circulating triglycerides, total cholesterol, and biomarkers of
inflammation with apparent ease. We all know someone like this in our
daily life.
But why are there such extreme differences between people?
Is our DNA to blame? Our human genes may be involved in some cases but we generally share more than 99% genetic similarity with other people; more interestingly, the huge differences in peoples weight gain/loss may be driven more by the different bacteria in our intestines, which can be more than 90% different between one person and the next". (Taken from Jeff Leach's American (Gut) Gothic: 5 Things You can do for a healthier microbiome in 2013). http://humanfoodproject.com/american-gut-gothic-5-things-you-can-do-for-a-healthier-microbiome-in-2013/
The last few years have seen an abundance of material presented to the public on the importance of gut health. In the medical and science community as well, there are hundreds of scholarly papers and peer reviewed journals being published on how our gut health is critical to robust health and vitality. The gut, and more specifically, our microbiome (the trillions of bacteria as well as their unique genes, that call our skin, intestines, and mouth home sweet home) might just be the lynchpin that connects modern day life with, quite frankly, modern day malaise. The malaise I speak of is the throngs of folks living with chronic disease, from auto-immune disorders, metabolic syndrome, depression and anxiety, cardiovascular disease and a host of other illnesses.
I have spoken quite exhaustively on the topic of humans amidst their ecology (see http://fluxregina.blogspot.ca/2013/01/food-challenge-update.html .... ) and have suggested that the health of the human species cannot be disconnected from the health of the local and global ecologies of which we are a part. In many ways, technology and science have allowed us to jettison our local ecologies (why of course I can eat bananas and mangoes in Saskatchewan year round) and have led in some ways to an even more diverse diet. And yet ironically, our collective palette seems to be less and less imaginative these days. When you add to this stunted imagination, a desire for immediate gratification, the food landscape appears pretty bleak. Try the following thought experiment: walk into the grocery store as though you were an alien visiting earth for the first time. Cellophane wrapped broccoli, cauliflower, so clean and sterile, no ragged edges, the stalks removed, no traces of decay. It is as though the grocery store has answered our collective, and bizarre desire that food be completely severed from its connection to the earth, and to the cycle of life, which demands both death and decay.
Another case in point is our last food challenge, where many of you bravely took up the exhortation to eat organ meat once a week and to make your own broth from chicken feet and beef bones. This proved to be a gruesome experience for some as they apprehensively cut into a beef tongue or stared at a package of chicken feet that they were now expected to boil the hell out of for 24 hours.
What does all of this have to do with our microbiome? A couple of things actually - just as we are implicated within an external ecology, we also have a gut ecology. And this gut loves DIVERSITY, DIRT and DECAY. There are hundreds of various microbial species at home in our bodies. In fact, some scientists go so far as to suggest that the human body is really just a vessel for the trillions of bacteria living in our body. And so the tables are turned, we are not the center of the universe, and in fact, we are just along for the ride. Our main function being to host this multiplicity of microbes. The first order of the challenge will be to feed your gut some diversity. You will try and eat 30-40 different plant types every week.
As further dfpreparation for our challenge, I suggest you go to The Human Food Project's Website and become acquainted with the work of Jeff Leach, the anthropologist leading this project. Mr. Leach defines this project as "an effort to understand modern disease against the back drop of our ancestral/microbial past." http://humanfoodproject.com/
But why are there such extreme differences between people?
Is our DNA to blame? Our human genes may be involved in some cases but we generally share more than 99% genetic similarity with other people; more interestingly, the huge differences in peoples weight gain/loss may be driven more by the different bacteria in our intestines, which can be more than 90% different between one person and the next". (Taken from Jeff Leach's American (Gut) Gothic: 5 Things You can do for a healthier microbiome in 2013). http://humanfoodproject.com/american-gut-gothic-5-things-you-can-do-for-a-healthier-microbiome-in-2013/
The last few years have seen an abundance of material presented to the public on the importance of gut health. In the medical and science community as well, there are hundreds of scholarly papers and peer reviewed journals being published on how our gut health is critical to robust health and vitality. The gut, and more specifically, our microbiome (the trillions of bacteria as well as their unique genes, that call our skin, intestines, and mouth home sweet home) might just be the lynchpin that connects modern day life with, quite frankly, modern day malaise. The malaise I speak of is the throngs of folks living with chronic disease, from auto-immune disorders, metabolic syndrome, depression and anxiety, cardiovascular disease and a host of other illnesses.
I have spoken quite exhaustively on the topic of humans amidst their ecology (see http://fluxregina.blogspot.ca/2013/01/food-challenge-update.html .... ) and have suggested that the health of the human species cannot be disconnected from the health of the local and global ecologies of which we are a part. In many ways, technology and science have allowed us to jettison our local ecologies (why of course I can eat bananas and mangoes in Saskatchewan year round) and have led in some ways to an even more diverse diet. And yet ironically, our collective palette seems to be less and less imaginative these days. When you add to this stunted imagination, a desire for immediate gratification, the food landscape appears pretty bleak. Try the following thought experiment: walk into the grocery store as though you were an alien visiting earth for the first time. Cellophane wrapped broccoli, cauliflower, so clean and sterile, no ragged edges, the stalks removed, no traces of decay. It is as though the grocery store has answered our collective, and bizarre desire that food be completely severed from its connection to the earth, and to the cycle of life, which demands both death and decay.
Another case in point is our last food challenge, where many of you bravely took up the exhortation to eat organ meat once a week and to make your own broth from chicken feet and beef bones. This proved to be a gruesome experience for some as they apprehensively cut into a beef tongue or stared at a package of chicken feet that they were now expected to boil the hell out of for 24 hours.
What does all of this have to do with our microbiome? A couple of things actually - just as we are implicated within an external ecology, we also have a gut ecology. And this gut loves DIVERSITY, DIRT and DECAY. There are hundreds of various microbial species at home in our bodies. In fact, some scientists go so far as to suggest that the human body is really just a vessel for the trillions of bacteria living in our body. And so the tables are turned, we are not the center of the universe, and in fact, we are just along for the ride. Our main function being to host this multiplicity of microbes. The first order of the challenge will be to feed your gut some diversity. You will try and eat 30-40 different plant types every week.
As further dfpreparation for our challenge, I suggest you go to The Human Food Project's Website and become acquainted with the work of Jeff Leach, the anthropologist leading this project. Mr. Leach defines this project as "an effort to understand modern disease against the back drop of our ancestral/microbial past." http://humanfoodproject.com/
Monday, August 18, 2014
We are gearing up for our Heal Your Gut Challenge. Here are a couple of great resources that explain the connections between a leaky gut, inflammation and auto-immune diseases. Start reading in preparation for the challenge.
Check out the bios on these two smart cookies as they take you through the connection between wheat and a leaky gut.
And finally, read Chris Kresser's article on macro-nutrients - protein, carbs and fat. He breaks down the specifics of each of these stressing QUALITY of FOOD. This is an excellent starting point for anyone looking to learn more about nutrient dense food.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Sunday, August 24, 2014
A. TGU x 26 reps A nice, controlled and even pace. For Time 35/55 lbs
B. Run 200 meters @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes
10 sets
Keep track of times.
B. Run 200 meters @ 80%
Rest 2 minutes
10 sets
Keep track of times.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
A. 3 min AMRAP
Power Cleans x 5 @ 75 % of your max
Muscle ups x 2/4
Rest 3 minutes
B. 3 min AMRAP
OHS x 7 65/95 lbs
Kipping hspu x 5/7
Rest 3 minutes
C. 3 min AMRAP
Hang Power Snatch x 7 55/85 lbs
Double Unders x 20
Rest 3 minutes
D. 800 meter run for time
Power Cleans x 5 @ 75 % of your max
Muscle ups x 2/4
Rest 3 minutes
B. 3 min AMRAP
OHS x 7 65/95 lbs
Kipping hspu x 5/7
Rest 3 minutes
C. 3 min AMRAP
Hang Power Snatch x 7 55/85 lbs
Double Unders x 20
Rest 3 minutes
D. 800 meter run for time
Thursday, August 21, 2014
A. Overhead Squats
Advanced: From the rack, find your max OHS in 20 min
Intermediate: from the rack, find a 3 RM OHS in 20 min
Beginner: 5 sets of 5 reps (go up in weight IF you make all 5 reps); rest 2 min.
B. Bar Muscle Up Amanda
9 7 5
Bar Muscle Up
Squat snatch 95/135 lbs
No Kipping muscle up on rings or bar?
Do 15, 10, 5 chest to bar kipping pull ups.
chest to bar too difficult? Do chin over vertical plane of the bar.
Reduce weight on snatch if necessary.
Power snatch for those with mobility/stability issues.
Be smart with this one. I don't want to use any barbells grazing the forehead.
Advanced: From the rack, find your max OHS in 20 min
Intermediate: from the rack, find a 3 RM OHS in 20 min
Beginner: 5 sets of 5 reps (go up in weight IF you make all 5 reps); rest 2 min.
B. Bar Muscle Up Amanda
9 7 5
Bar Muscle Up
Squat snatch 95/135 lbs
No Kipping muscle up on rings or bar?
Do 15, 10, 5 chest to bar kipping pull ups.
chest to bar too difficult? Do chin over vertical plane of the bar.
Reduce weight on snatch if necessary.
Power snatch for those with mobility/stability issues.
Be smart with this one. I don't want to use any barbells grazing the forehead.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
A. Pistols
Advanced - AMRAP in 45 sec
rest 45 sec
4 sets
B. 3 Rounds for Time
American Kettlebell Swings x 50 35/55 lbs
Double Unders x 50
100 meter sprint (50 meters each direction)
Beginner: equal times work to rest ratio.
Advanced - AMRAP in 45 sec
rest 45 sec
4 sets
B. 3 Rounds for Time
American Kettlebell Swings x 50 35/55 lbs
Double Unders x 50
100 meter sprint (50 meters each direction)
Beginner: equal times work to rest ratio.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
A. Advanced:
Max Clean and Jerk and 1 set of doubles.
Intermediate/Beginners: 3, 3, 3, 3
B. Diane
See June 20, 2014
For Time:
Deadlifts 175/225 lbs
HSPU (you may kip)
Max Clean and Jerk and 1 set of doubles.
Intermediate/Beginners: 3, 3, 3, 3
B. Diane
See June 20, 2014
For Time:
Deadlifts 175/225 lbs
HSPU (you may kip)
Monday, August 18, 2014
A. Advanced: Max Snatch in 20 minutes - no Doubles
Intermediate/Beginner - 4 sets of 4 reps. Go up in weight on each subsequent set IF you make all 4 reps.
B. Pistols
Advanced - AMRAP in 45 sec
rest 45 sec
4 sets
Intermediate go on a 60 sec clock with a 60 sec rest.
Beginner: 5 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell Swings 35/55 lbs
12 kipping pull ups
Intermediate/Beginner - 4 sets of 4 reps. Go up in weight on each subsequent set IF you make all 4 reps.
B. Pistols
Advanced - AMRAP in 45 sec
rest 45 sec
4 sets
Intermediate go on a 60 sec clock with a 60 sec rest.
Beginner: 5 reps x 4 sets; rest 60 sec
3 Rounds for Time:
Run 400 meters
21 Kettlebell Swings 35/55 lbs
12 kipping pull ups
Friday, August 22, 2014
kipping hspu
A. 5 minute AMRAP
Push Jerk x 5 95/135lbs
Toes to Bar x 9
Burpee Box Jumps x 7 20/24"
Rest 5 min.
B. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Pistols x 6
Deadlifts x 10 115/165 lbs
Wall balls x 12 14/20 lbs
Rest 5 minutes
C. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Run 100 meters
Ring dips 3/5
KB Swings x 16 (american) 35/55 lbs
kipping hspu
A. 5 minute AMRAP
Push Jerk x 5 95/135lbs
Toes to Bar x 9
Burpee Box Jumps x 7 20/24"
Rest 5 min.
B. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Pistols x 6
Deadlifts x 10 115/165 lbs
Wall balls x 12 14/20 lbs
Rest 5 minutes
C. AMRAP in 5 minutes:
Run 100 meters
Ring dips 3/5
KB Swings x 16 (american) 35/55 lbs
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Sunday, August 17, 2014
A. Sandbag toss x 45 meters weight TBA x 3 sets; rest 3 minutes.
B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
OHS x 15 65/95 lbs
Double Unders x 30
B. AMRAP in 10 minutes:
OHS x 15 65/95 lbs
Double Unders x 30
Saturday, August 16, 2014
A. 3 push jerk @ 80 % of your max clean and jerk every 90 sec for 10 sets
B. 5 Rounds For Time:
Rope Climbs (arms only for advanced x 2 reps) x 2 reps
Box Jumps x 20 20/24"
KB Snatch x 20 35/55 lbs
B. 5 Rounds For Time:
Rope Climbs (arms only for advanced x 2 reps) x 2 reps
Box Jumps x 20 20/24"
KB Snatch x 20 35/55 lbs
Friday, August 15, 2014
A. 3 snatches every 90 sec x 10 sets @ 80% of your max.
B. 4 Rounds For Time:
Power Clean x 10 Women - 125/115/105/95 lbs Men-175/165/155/145 lbs
Kipping HSPU x 25
400 meter sprint
B. 4 Rounds For Time:
Power Clean x 10 Women - 125/115/105/95 lbs Men-175/165/155/145 lbs
Kipping HSPU x 25
400 meter sprint
Thursday, August 14, 2014
A. Bench Press
Advanced and Intermediate - Find your 1 RM and then do 2 reps x 2 sets at 10-7 kg less.
Beginner - Continue with Poliquin Prescription
@ 31x1 x 4 sets
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
Chest to Bar kipping pull ups x 20
Front Squats x 10 115/155 lbs
Double Unders x 40
Advanced and Intermediate - Find your 1 RM and then do 2 reps x 2 sets at 10-7 kg less.
Beginner - Continue with Poliquin Prescription
@ 31x1 x 4 sets
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
Chest to Bar kipping pull ups x 20
Front Squats x 10 115/155 lbs
Double Unders x 40
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
A1. Snatch x 4-7 reps 95/135 lbs x 5 sets
A2. AMRAP Kipping hspu in 30 sec. x 5 sets
Rest exactly 60 seconds between movements.
Intermediate go on a 60 sec clock for hspu.
Beginners - 15 sec eccentric on downward dog hspu
NOTE: If you can snatch 95/135 lbs but 7 is too many, do 4 reps at 95/35 lbs.
Unless you are a highly skilled olympic lifter, each rep is not touch and go, but pause, re-set and go.
REST 3 min x 6 sets
A2. AMRAP Kipping hspu in 30 sec. x 5 sets
Rest exactly 60 seconds between movements.
Intermediate go on a 60 sec clock for hspu.
Beginners - 15 sec eccentric on downward dog hspu
NOTE: If you can snatch 95/135 lbs but 7 is too many, do 4 reps at 95/35 lbs.
Unless you are a highly skilled olympic lifter, each rep is not touch and go, but pause, re-set and go.
REST 3 min x 6 sets
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
Pistols in warm up -
advanced do shenobi
A. Hang Clean to thruster x 15 65/95 lbs
Shuttle Sprint x 50 meters x 4 lengths (touch each end except on last length) = 200 meters
Shoulder taps x 40
KB Swings x 20 American 55/70 lbs
Rest 7 minutes
5 sets
advanced do shenobi
A. Hang Clean to thruster x 15 65/95 lbs
Shuttle Sprint x 50 meters x 4 lengths (touch each end except on last length) = 200 meters
Shoulder taps x 40
KB Swings x 20 American 55/70 lbs
Rest 7 minutes
5 sets
Monday, August 11, 2014
A. Clean and Jerk
Advanced: Go to a daily max. Then 2 sets of 2 @ 7-10 kgs less.
Intermediate and Beginner: 3, 3, 3, 3
NOTE: if you have been doing intermediate/beginner for awhile, ask your coach if you are ready for max efforts.
B. SEE APRIL 28, 2014
4 Rounds for Time:
Push Press x 12 85/135 lbs
Kipping Muscle Ups x 3/5
Jumping Split Squats x 20
Muscle up progressions -
7 kipping pull ups and 3 ring dips as a substitution for the muscle ups
Advanced: Go to a daily max. Then 2 sets of 2 @ 7-10 kgs less.
Intermediate and Beginner: 3, 3, 3, 3
NOTE: if you have been doing intermediate/beginner for awhile, ask your coach if you are ready for max efforts.
B. SEE APRIL 28, 2014
4 Rounds for Time:
Push Press x 12 85/135 lbs
Kipping Muscle Ups x 3/5
Jumping Split Squats x 20
Muscle up progressions -
7 kipping pull ups and 3 ring dips as a substitution for the muscle ups
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
Ido Portal Interview
Put this podast on the next time you are making supper. I found the last 30 minutes to be the most interesting - Ido talks about aging, pain and diet.
Chris Kresser - Could a Leaky Gut Be Making You Fat?
For the next several weeks I will be posting articles on all things gut related as a way to prepare for our next challenge on GUT HEALTH. Read below about leaky gut and why that might be contributing to pesky belly fat. Note that once again, leaky gut is related to INFLAMMATION. In fact, we could have just as easily called our next challenge the ANTI-INFLAMMATORY CHALLENGE.
As always, I encourage you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions - just make sure your opinion is an informed one!
As always, I encourage you to do your own research and come to your own conclusions - just make sure your opinion is an informed one!
Monday, August 4, 2014
Sunday, August 10, 2014
A. Broad Jumps (in as few jumps as possible, cover 45 meters) Use Turf
B. AMRAP in 30 sec: Box Jumps
Rest 15 sec.
AMRAP in 30 sec: Toes to Bar
Rest 15 sec.
AMRAP in 30 sec: alternating KB Swings 35/55 lbs American
Rest 60 sec.
5 sets
B. AMRAP in 30 sec: Box Jumps
Rest 15 sec.
AMRAP in 30 sec: Toes to Bar
Rest 15 sec.
AMRAP in 30 sec: alternating KB Swings 35/55 lbs American
Rest 60 sec.
5 sets
Saturday, August 9, 2014
A. KB Snatch Ladder for Time
Do 9 reps per arm, then 8, 7, 6... until you hit 1.
B. Bench Press Poliquin 4 % @ 31x1
Zero Seconds Rest
For Time
Sandbag runs x 400 meters 40/70 lbs
Sandbag Overhead Lunges x 20 reps
Rest 3 minutes
4 sets
Do 9 reps per arm, then 8, 7, 6... until you hit 1.
B. Bench Press Poliquin 4 % @ 31x1
Zero Seconds Rest
For Time
Sandbag runs x 400 meters 40/70 lbs
Sandbag Overhead Lunges x 20 reps
Rest 3 minutes
4 sets
Friday, August 8, 2014
A. AMRAP Kipping HSPU in 30 sec
rest 30 sec
5 sets
Intermediate go on a 60 sec clock (may be to plates)
rest 60 sec.
5 sets
Beginner: Downward dog eccentric only x 15 sec eccentric x 1 rep x 7 sets; rest 90 sec.
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
Power clean and jerk x 7 105/155 lbs
Kipping muscle ups x 3/5
No Kipping Muscle up? Do 10 chest to bar kipping pull ups.
No Kipping pull up? Use a band (if you have a 30 sec eccentric) x 10 reps
rest 30 sec
5 sets
Intermediate go on a 60 sec clock (may be to plates)
rest 60 sec.
5 sets
Beginner: Downward dog eccentric only x 15 sec eccentric x 1 rep x 7 sets; rest 90 sec.
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
Power clean and jerk x 7 105/155 lbs
Kipping muscle ups x 3/5
No Kipping Muscle up? Do 10 chest to bar kipping pull ups.
No Kipping pull up? Use a band (if you have a 30 sec eccentric) x 10 reps
Thursday, August 7, 2014
A. Snatch Balance
Advanced: Take 50-60 % of max snatch and do 3 sets x 5 reps
Beginners: 2-3 position x 2 reps/position x 2 reps x 5 sets
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
OHS x 9 95/135 lbs
Double Unders x 40
Advanced: Take 50-60 % of max snatch and do 3 sets x 5 reps
Beginners: 2-3 position x 2 reps/position x 2 reps x 5 sets
B. 5 Rounds for Time:
OHS x 9 95/135 lbs
Double Unders x 40
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
A. AMRAP in 12 minutes
False Grip ring pull ups x 7
Run 50 meters x 4 = 200 meters (touch ground at each end except on last length
Strict Ring Dips x 7
Be sure to set your standards ahead of time. Choose your progression and rep scheme wisely. Chest to bar pull -ups? Grip Width? Ring Rows, Bar Dips.
NOTE: if you use a band for either the pulling or pushing you MUST have a TEMPO of 31x1 and 51x1 respectively.
B. Back Squats x 10 Take 20 RM from last week and add 5-10 lbs. @ 00x1
Toes to Bar x 20
Sprint x 400
Rest 3 minutes
4 sets
False Grip ring pull ups x 7
Run 50 meters x 4 = 200 meters (touch ground at each end except on last length
Strict Ring Dips x 7
Be sure to set your standards ahead of time. Choose your progression and rep scheme wisely. Chest to bar pull -ups? Grip Width? Ring Rows, Bar Dips.
NOTE: if you use a band for either the pulling or pushing you MUST have a TEMPO of 31x1 and 51x1 respectively.
B. Back Squats x 10 Take 20 RM from last week and add 5-10 lbs. @ 00x1
Toes to Bar x 20
Sprint x 400
Rest 3 minutes
4 sets
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
A. Snatch - See July 14 and July 24, 2014
Advanced: Go to a daily max in 20 min. Do 1 set of doubles at 7-10 kg less.
Intermediate and Beginner: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Go up in weight with each set.
B. Deadlifts x 7 205/315 lbs
Rest 60 sec.
2 Rounds:
Jumping Barbell Squats x 20 35/45 lbs
Kipping HSPU x 5/10
Rest 60 sec.
5 sets
Advanced: Go to a daily max in 20 min. Do 1 set of doubles at 7-10 kg less.
Intermediate and Beginner: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 Go up in weight with each set.
B. Deadlifts x 7 205/315 lbs
Rest 60 sec.
2 Rounds:
Jumping Barbell Squats x 20 35/45 lbs
Kipping HSPU x 5/10
Rest 60 sec.
5 sets
August 4, 2014
For Time:
15 chest to bar kipping pull ups
12 push press x 85/135 lbs
20 box jumps 20/24"
20 Kettlebell swings 35/55 lbs
400 meter run
rest 7 minutes
5 sets
15 chest to bar kipping pull ups
12 push press x 85/135 lbs
20 box jumps 20/24"
20 Kettlebell swings 35/55 lbs
400 meter run
rest 7 minutes
5 sets
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