5 sec hold for advanced x 4 sets; rest 1 min.
10 sec hold for beginners and intermediate x 4 sets; rest 1 min.
B. This workout is meant to be CP based. Expect to take rests.
AMRAP in 20 min:
Arms only rope climb x 1-3 reps
deadlifts x 7 205/305 lbs
weighted ring dips x 5
Beginners: 5 ring rows As Perfect As Possible - no kipping or snaking.
5 push-ups (1-2 reps at a time)
Intermediate: either use your feet for your rope climbs or do 1-3 chin-ups or pull-ups
Bar dips instead of ring dips or ring dips without extra weight
Love the look of the workout tonight!
ReplyDeleteThat was a good one! Lot's of fun and hard work tonight!
I enjoyed witnessing al of the gains being made on ring dips and rope climbs