A. Front Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2, rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Work up to a 1RM, drop 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
B. Push Press
Beginner: 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: work to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min (NOTE: if you are training tomorrow, leave out the push press. Tomorrow we do clean and jerk).
C. 800 meter run for time. PLEASE POST RESULTS!!
Advanced folks who are training tomorrow, do 2 sets; rest 10 min between.
If you cannot fathom running 800 meters without stopping, do 600 or 400 meters.
Don't think Exercise. Don't think Fitness. Think Movement. Our focus at Flux is MOVEMENT and more specifically, MOVEMENT QUALITY.
Featured Post
New website! New blog!
We are excited to launch a new home on the web for Flux School of Human Movement! Check out our new website right here (same URL as befor...
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
A. Back Squats
Beginner: @ 22x2; 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate:2 , 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: go to a 1RM, drop 20 lb and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
B. KB Swings 1 min 35/50 lbs Russian
wallballs 14/20 lbs 1 min
double unders 1 min
burpees 1 min
rest 4 min
4 sets
Beginner: @ 22x2; 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate:2 , 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: go to a 1RM, drop 20 lb and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
B. KB Swings 1 min 35/50 lbs Russian
wallballs 14/20 lbs 1 min
double unders 1 min
burpees 1 min
rest 4 min
4 sets
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A. Front Squats
Beginner: 22x2 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: work up to your 1 RM, drop 20 lbs, and do 2 reps x 3 sets
B1. Front lever
Beginner: 10 sec scapular hold (try and elevate rib cage) x 4 sets
Intermediate: 10 sec lever knees pushed against elbows x 4 sets
Advanced: 10 sec lever x 4 sets
B2. Petersen Step Up, 3 second negative x 4 sets (work to push your knee as far ahead as possible).
B3. 1 leg GHD @ 30x1, 8 reps x 4 sets
B4. Ring Dips
Beginner: 30 sec support hold (use a partner if necessary) x 4 sets
Intermediate: either 1 negative or 1-5 reps x 4 sets
Advanced: AMRAP x 4 sets
B5. elegant gymnastics pose x 5 reps x 4 sets
Beginner: 22x2 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: work up to your 1 RM, drop 20 lbs, and do 2 reps x 3 sets
B1. Front lever
Beginner: 10 sec scapular hold (try and elevate rib cage) x 4 sets
Intermediate: 10 sec lever knees pushed against elbows x 4 sets
Advanced: 10 sec lever x 4 sets
B2. Petersen Step Up, 3 second negative x 4 sets (work to push your knee as far ahead as possible).
B3. 1 leg GHD @ 30x1, 8 reps x 4 sets
B4. Ring Dips
Beginner: 30 sec support hold (use a partner if necessary) x 4 sets
Intermediate: either 1 negative or 1-5 reps x 4 sets
Advanced: AMRAP x 4 sets
B5. elegant gymnastics pose x 5 reps x 4 sets
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2010
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: 30 sec chest to wall holds x 5 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate/Advanced: 5-10 heel taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
6 kick-ups x 5 sets; rest 30 sec.
B. Back Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5, @ 22x2; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs, and do 2 reps x 3 sets
C. 7 power cleans @ 80% 1RM
5 box jumps 30/26"
Run 100 meters (50 meters there and back)
rest 4 min
2 sets
Beginners: 30 sec chest to wall holds x 5 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate/Advanced: 5-10 heel taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
6 kick-ups x 5 sets; rest 30 sec.
B. Back Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5, @ 22x2; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs, and do 2 reps x 3 sets
C. 7 power cleans @ 80% 1RM
5 box jumps 30/26"
Run 100 meters (50 meters there and back)
rest 4 min
2 sets
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Beginners: downward dogs x 1-3 reps; rest 1 min x 7 sets
Intermediate and Advanced: go to your 1RM, then add a bit of height and do either 2 reps x 5 sets, rest 2 min or do AMRAP in 10 min.
B. Anaerobic lactic Endurance
17 x thrusters 65/95 lbs
17 x knees -to elbow
rest 4-5 min
5 sets
Beginners: downward dogs x 1-3 reps; rest 1 min x 7 sets
Intermediate and Advanced: go to your 1RM, then add a bit of height and do either 2 reps x 5 sets, rest 2 min or do AMRAP in 10 min.
B. Anaerobic lactic Endurance
17 x thrusters 65/95 lbs
17 x knees -to elbow
rest 4-5 min
5 sets
Saturday, August 27, 2011
A. Ring dips
Everyone: Do 10 sec support hold on rings x 4 sets; rest 1 min.
Beginner: practice the negative and the concentric with a spot x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Advanced: Muscle-ups
B. Front Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2;rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Work up to your 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs, and do 2 reps x 3 sets.
C. Push-ups
Beginner: 1 negative, rest 1 min x 3 reps x 3 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: AMRAP in 1 min x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: AMRAP support position ring push-ups x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Everyone: Do 10 sec support hold on rings x 4 sets; rest 1 min.
Beginner: practice the negative and the concentric with a spot x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Advanced: Muscle-ups
B. Front Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2;rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Work up to your 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs, and do 2 reps x 3 sets.
C. Push-ups
Beginner: 1 negative, rest 1 min x 3 reps x 3 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: AMRAP in 1 min x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: AMRAP support position ring push-ups x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: chest to wall 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate/Advanced: 5-10 toe taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 heel taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
accumulate 10-30 sec of handbalancing x 2 sets; rest 1 min
B. On a 60 sec clock:
Box Jumps x 15 24"
Row as Many Calories as Possible
rest 3 min
7 sets
Have your partner set the rower for you and count your reps for you.
Beginners: chest to wall 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate/Advanced: 5-10 toe taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 heel taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
accumulate 10-30 sec of handbalancing x 2 sets; rest 1 min
B. On a 60 sec clock:
Box Jumps x 15 24"
Row as Many Calories as Possible
rest 3 min
7 sets
Have your partner set the rower for you and count your reps for you.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Thursday, Aug 25, 2011
A. Power Clean
Beginners and Intermediate: 1/2 hour working on technique. We will go up or down in weight based on your performance.
Advanced: work up to your 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
B. KB Swings x 21 50/70 lbs Russian
pull-ups x 12
400 meter run
rest 4 min.
3 sets
Beginners and Intermediate: discuss with your coach an appropriate number of reps and meters.
Beginners and Intermediate: 1/2 hour working on technique. We will go up or down in weight based on your performance.
Advanced: work up to your 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
B. KB Swings x 21 50/70 lbs Russian
pull-ups x 12
400 meter run
rest 4 min.
3 sets
Beginners and Intermediate: discuss with your coach an appropriate number of reps and meters.
Cool Springs Ranch Picnic and Tour next Saturday!
So many of you at Flux have made meaningful and thoughtful changes to your physical health. You are all becoming better movers, you are stronger and your food choices have changed. Why not take your food choices one step further and come out to Cool Springs Ranch to see where your food comes from? Why is this important? More and more, we are disconnected from nature and our fragile ecosystems. Visit Cool Springs Ranch and you will come to appreciate their hard work to restore Native American grassland and to polycultural farming in general.
Folks who eat a Primal diet are often a step ahead of others when it comes to thinking carefully about food choices, but I think there is room to grow. If the focus is simply to 'eat meat,' regardless of its origins, human animals severe their connection to the natural world. Humans are a part of their ecosystem; they do not exist outside of it, on a pedestal.
So come out to Cools Springs Ranch this Saturday for a barbecue and a tour. Charity, Dad and I went out for a day and we had so much fun. I really came to appreciate the science and experimentation required of folks like Sam and Janeen as well as the challenges of polycultural farming in Saskatchewan.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
A. Front Squat
Beginners: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min. If you have been stuck at a particular weight don't forget about our small incremental plates. Also, you can do your doubles at a slightly higher weight as well.
B. Push Press
Beginners: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
INtermediate: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: Work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
For Part C. Start at any of the stations.
C1. Petersen Step Up
8 reps per leg x 3 sets @ 40X0
C2. GHD extension (1 leg at a time): x 8 reps @ 30X1 x 3 sets
C3. elegant gymnastics pose (we need a better name for this one): 8 reps x 3 sets
C4. Push-Ups
Beginners: 1 negative x 3 sets
Intermediate: AMRAP perfect push-ups in 1 min
Advanced: either ring support push-ups or regular ring push-ups x 1-10 reps x 3 sets
Beginners: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min. If you have been stuck at a particular weight don't forget about our small incremental plates. Also, you can do your doubles at a slightly higher weight as well.
B. Push Press
Beginners: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
INtermediate: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: Work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
For Part C. Start at any of the stations.
C1. Petersen Step Up
8 reps per leg x 3 sets @ 40X0
C2. GHD extension (1 leg at a time): x 8 reps @ 30X1 x 3 sets
C3. elegant gymnastics pose (we need a better name for this one): 8 reps x 3 sets
C4. Push-Ups
Beginners: 1 negative x 3 sets
Intermediate: AMRAP perfect push-ups in 1 min
Advanced: either ring support push-ups or regular ring push-ups x 1-10 reps x 3 sets
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Bridge City Beat Down registration extended
Yep, that's right! You have until midnight tonight to register for the Bridge City Beat Down (otherwise known as the Prairie Challenge). Here's the link:
Monday, August 22, 2011
Tuesday, Aug 23,2011
This is a tapering week so If you have been training four or more time/week go easy this week. Train up to three times, squatting only twice. Go for a massage and rest up.
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: 30 sec hold x 5 sets: rest 1 min
Intermediate: do 3 sets of 10 sec holds in total
Advanced: do 3 sets of 30 sec holds in total
Your partner starts the clock only when you are balanced. If your feet touch your partner the time stops. Kick up for these sets.
B1. Pull-ups
Beginner: 1 negative x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: 1-5 pull ups or chin-ups x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: do 1-3 static muscle ups x 4 sets; rest 1 min
B2. 200 meter sprint (100 meters there and back) x 4 sets; rest 2 min.
C. Toes to bar
Beginner: 5 reps as perfect as possible x 4; rest 1 min
Advanced: amrap unbroken x 4; rest 1 min
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: 30 sec hold x 5 sets: rest 1 min
Intermediate: do 3 sets of 10 sec holds in total
Advanced: do 3 sets of 30 sec holds in total
Your partner starts the clock only when you are balanced. If your feet touch your partner the time stops. Kick up for these sets.
B1. Pull-ups
Beginner: 1 negative x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: 1-5 pull ups or chin-ups x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: do 1-3 static muscle ups x 4 sets; rest 1 min
B2. 200 meter sprint (100 meters there and back) x 4 sets; rest 2 min.
C. Toes to bar
Beginner: 5 reps as perfect as possible x 4; rest 1 min
Advanced: amrap unbroken x 4; rest 1 min
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
A. 10 min of joint prep and mobility for shoulders.
B. Push -Ups
Beginner: 1 negative, rest 1 min x 5 sets
Intermediate: 1-10 push-ups, rest 1 min x 5 sets
Advanced: support position ring push-ups, 1-7 reps, rest 1 min x 5 sets
C. For Beginners only: After your negatives, find your 1RM for depth, then add some height and do 2-3 reps x 3 sets; rest 1 min.
D. deadlift UNBROKEN AMRAP @ 90% of your 1RM
rest 20 sec exactly
12 box jumps 24"
rest 20 sec exactly
30 sec of scapular retraction (hold for 1 sec at top).
rest 2 min
5 sets
B. Push -Ups
Beginner: 1 negative, rest 1 min x 5 sets
Intermediate: 1-10 push-ups, rest 1 min x 5 sets
Advanced: support position ring push-ups, 1-7 reps, rest 1 min x 5 sets
C. For Beginners only: After your negatives, find your 1RM for depth, then add some height and do 2-3 reps x 3 sets; rest 1 min.
D. deadlift UNBROKEN AMRAP @ 90% of your 1RM
rest 20 sec exactly
12 box jumps 24"
rest 20 sec exactly
30 sec of scapular retraction (hold for 1 sec at top).
rest 2 min
5 sets
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Sunday, Aug 21
Last day on Haifa. Today we travel to the Lebanese border.
A. Handbalancing
B. Front squats
C. 40 meter sprint x 5 sets; rest 2 min
D. 100 meter sprint x 5 sets; rest 4 min
This week is a tapering week so if you have been training 4 or more times a week drop it down to twice for this week. Next week we go hard again. or, just go by feel. If you are feeling tired or sluggish take it easy this week.
A. Handbalancing
B. Front squats
C. 40 meter sprint x 5 sets; rest 2 min
D. 100 meter sprint x 5 sets; rest 4 min
This week is a tapering week so if you have been training 4 or more times a week drop it down to twice for this week. Next week we go hard again. or, just go by feel. If you are feeling tired or sluggish take it easy this week.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Saturday, August 20, 2011
A. Bridges x 5 reps
B. Front Levers
beginners: 10 sec scapular retraction, working to elevate rib cage x 4 sets; rest 1 min
INtermediate: 10 sec hold with elbows pushed against knees x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: 10 sec hold, no elbows, extending knees beyond bars x 4 sets; rest 1 min
C. CrossFit Sectional Workout 2011
AMRAP in 7 min
3 thrusters 65/95 lbs
Advanced do chest to bar pull-ups
3 pull-ups
6 thrusters
6 pull-ups
9 thrusters
9 pull-ups
12 thrusters
12 pull-ups
B. Front Levers
beginners: 10 sec scapular retraction, working to elevate rib cage x 4 sets; rest 1 min
INtermediate: 10 sec hold with elbows pushed against knees x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: 10 sec hold, no elbows, extending knees beyond bars x 4 sets; rest 1 min
C. CrossFit Sectional Workout 2011
AMRAP in 7 min
3 thrusters 65/95 lbs
Advanced do chest to bar pull-ups
3 pull-ups
6 thrusters
6 pull-ups
9 thrusters
9 pull-ups
12 thrusters
12 pull-ups
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
B. For Time:
800 meter run
KB Swing x 25 reps 35/50 lbs
Push Jerk x 7-15 reps 105/155 lbs
rest 7 min
C. For Time:
Row 1000 meters
25 Renegade Rows 25/40 lbs
One renegade row is 1 push-up, pull to the left side and pull to the right side.
See June 9th for previous results.
Please post times to the blog!
B. For Time:
800 meter run
KB Swing x 25 reps 35/50 lbs
Push Jerk x 7-15 reps 105/155 lbs
rest 7 min
C. For Time:
Row 1000 meters
25 Renegade Rows 25/40 lbs
One renegade row is 1 push-up, pull to the left side and pull to the right side.
See June 9th for previous results.
Please post times to the blog!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Thursday, Aug 18, 2011
A. Handbalancing
B. Testing Day
See July 8, 2011
10 Hang Power Cleans 95/135 lbs
400 meter run
12 burpees
3 Rounds
B. Testing Day
See July 8, 2011
10 Hang Power Cleans 95/135 lbs
400 meter run
12 burpees
3 Rounds


I have been so exhausted at night it has been tough to do any blogging. We usually train until around 7 or 7:30 pm, eat, shower and then sleep.
We went for a hike yesterday and then found a nice grassy area to practice our falling and our rolling. I can't wait to introduce this into a new movement class! I honestly didn't think I would enjoy these elements but it was so much fun. We did one drill where two partners would swing the other partner back and forth and then on the third swing hurl the partner in the air. First and foremost, the goal was to overcome fear, and secondly, to land with some grace and efficiency.
I felt a tinge of sadness when we first started to learn how to fall. Fear make you feel old. When you are learning these movements you can't help but to return to your childhood, to a time when you did these movements simply because they made you laugh. If you haven't continued with these movements into adulthood, you must re-learn them and it isn't just pure fun. You must overcome fear. Your body feels awkward and stiff. But, in a few short hours it began to feel much more natural and intuitive. We are going to go some back walkovers and some arial cartwheels in the next few days.
Boxing! We are working with Jacob Daskalo and his sons Danielle and Tony. Danielle is 16 years old and is currently ranked second in Europe. The history of this family is remarkable. Jacob's father was a Romanian Jew coaching boxing in Europe during the Second World War.
Jacob is a great coach. We end our session with Ido around 4 pm and then we box the rest of the day. The boxing is our primary form of metabolic conditioning. The footwork is challenging and you must be quick and coordinated. Today, we use the mouth guards and we learn defensive techniques.
Had a great discussion regarding balance and what it means to be an athlete. It is so important to be strong and to squat and press and all that fun stuff. But, if you can't isolate muscles and articulate movements what is the point? I want to be able to squat AND do handbalancing and do a simple backwalkover. I want to run and jump AND twist. I don't want to be one of those athletes who can backsquat 400 lbs but is unable to efficiently stand up from a seated position.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
A. Handbalancing
Beginner: 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate: 5-10 heel taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: do the heel taps with a partner in the middle of the floor. It is exactly the same thing but your partner's hands are now the wall.
B. Regional Workout
Run 1000 meters
30 hspu for time (you may kip)
Row 1000 meters
Scaling for HSPU: either add plates so that you don't go as deep or do downward dogs.
please post times.
Beginner: 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate: 5-10 heel taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps x 2 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: do the heel taps with a partner in the middle of the floor. It is exactly the same thing but your partner's hands are now the wall.
B. Regional Workout
Run 1000 meters
30 hspu for time (you may kip)
Row 1000 meters
Scaling for HSPU: either add plates so that you don't go as deep or do downward dogs.
please post times.
Monday, August 15, 2011
We started our day with a discussion centred around the term "physical culture." Obviously, every culture has its own expressions and beliefs around the physicality of the body but interestingly enough, from the yogis of India to the Greeks and the Romans, there has always been a close connection between physical well being and mental and psychic health.
What is mobility? As Ido explained, most people think of mobility merely as flexibility; this is a small piece of the puzzle. Mobility is also the ability to isolate certain muscles. So for instance, at Flux we are constantly trying to 'wake up' our scapula or our trap 3. Beyond just waking up the muscles, mobility is also the ability to articulate complex movement patterns. We begin this as toddlers when we learn how to crawl and walk. This idea that mobility is about waking up parts of the body suggests that mobility is first and foremost, a question of the nervous system. Just think of the first time you were asked to mobilize the trap 3, or to tuck your pelvis under, and nothing happened! Is it simply because you are not flexible? No, it is because you couldn't make the neural connections to mobilize the body as you wished.
What is beauty as it relates to human movement? "It is the recognition of efficiency" (Ido Portal). This is an interesting definition. Efficiency is always relative. We cannot think of efficiency as having one definitive standard against which all other movement is measured. Efficiency is based on the capacity of the individual. People with disabilities, for instance, must be creative when it comes to movement and mobility but nevertheless there is still going to be an efficient way to move.
We started our day with a discussion centred around the term "physical culture." Obviously, every culture has its own expressions and beliefs around the physicality of the body but interestingly enough, from the yogis of India to the Greeks and the Romans, there has always been a close connection between physical well being and mental and psychic health.
What is mobility? As Ido explained, most people think of mobility merely as flexibility; this is a small piece of the puzzle. Mobility is also the ability to isolate certain muscles. So for instance, at Flux we are constantly trying to 'wake up' our scapula or our trap 3. Beyond just waking up the muscles, mobility is also the ability to articulate complex movement patterns. We begin this as toddlers when we learn how to crawl and walk. This idea that mobility is about waking up parts of the body suggests that mobility is first and foremost, a question of the nervous system. Just think of the first time you were asked to mobilize the trap 3, or to tuck your pelvis under, and nothing happened! Is it simply because you are not flexible? No, it is because you couldn't make the neural connections to mobilize the body as you wished.
What is beauty as it relates to human movement? "It is the recognition of efficiency" (Ido Portal). This is an interesting definition. Efficiency is always relative. We cannot think of efficiency as having one definitive standard against which all other movement is measured. Efficiency is based on the capacity of the individual. People with disabilities, for instance, must be creative when it comes to movement and mobility but nevertheless there is still going to be an efficient way to move.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
A. Front Levers
Beginners: 10 sec scapular retraction, working towards elevating the chest x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: 10 sec tuck lever with elbows pushed against knees for stability x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: 10 sec lever, no elbows, working on extending knees out beyond the bar x 4 sets; rest 1 min
B. See June 18th
Deadlifts x 9 165/225 lbs
box jumps x 9 20/24"
burpees x 9
rest 4 min
5 sets
In your warm up do 5 bridges.
Beginners: 10 sec scapular retraction, working towards elevating the chest x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: 10 sec tuck lever with elbows pushed against knees for stability x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: 10 sec lever, no elbows, working on extending knees out beyond the bar x 4 sets; rest 1 min
B. See June 18th
Deadlifts x 9 165/225 lbs
box jumps x 9 20/24"
burpees x 9
rest 4 min
5 sets
In your warm up do 5 bridges.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate and Advanced: 5-10 heel and toe taps x 2 sets of each; rest 1 min.
Intermediate and ADvanced: 5 kick-ups x 4 sets; rest 30 sec.
Beginners: Do downward dogs x 2 reps x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate and Advanced: Find you 1RM, add height that enables you to do 2-3 reps, and do 4 sets; rest 2 min
C. See July 18, 2011
3 rounds
12 burpees
15 KB Swings 35/50 lbs
400 meter run
This is a testing day so please post your times. We did this met con on July 18.
Beginners: 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate and Advanced: 5-10 heel and toe taps x 2 sets of each; rest 1 min.
Intermediate and ADvanced: 5 kick-ups x 4 sets; rest 30 sec.
Beginners: Do downward dogs x 2 reps x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate and Advanced: Find you 1RM, add height that enables you to do 2-3 reps, and do 4 sets; rest 2 min
C. See July 18, 2011
3 rounds
12 burpees
15 KB Swings 35/50 lbs
400 meter run
This is a testing day so please post your times. We did this met con on July 18.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Another Class Added and Schedule Changes for Next Week
We've added a 7am on Monday, August 15th while we're away! Here is the schedule again:
Flux Schedule for Week of August 15th - 21st
Monday, Aug 15th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Tuesday, Aug 16th
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
7:30-8:30 - Gymnastics
Wednesday, Aug 17th
noon-1pm - WOD
4:30pm-5:30pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Thursday, Aug 18th
5pm-6pm - WOD
6pm-7pm - Mobility and Pre-Hab
7pm-8pm WOD
Friday, Aug 19th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30-7:30pm - WOD
Saturday, Aug 20th
9am-10am - WOD
10am-11am - WOD
Sunday, Aug 21st
Regular Schedule Begins on Monday, August 22nd
Flux Schedule for Week of August 15th - 21st
Monday, Aug 15th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Tuesday, Aug 16th
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
7:30-8:30 - Gymnastics
Wednesday, Aug 17th
noon-1pm - WOD
4:30pm-5:30pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Thursday, Aug 18th
5pm-6pm - WOD
6pm-7pm - Mobility and Pre-Hab
7pm-8pm WOD
Friday, Aug 19th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30-7:30pm - WOD
Saturday, Aug 20th
9am-10am - WOD
10am-11am - WOD
Sunday, Aug 21st
Regular Schedule Begins on Monday, August 22nd
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dad just sent this photo of the Flux Cattle. The caption reads: "Uh oh!" Looks like we have a new addition to the Flux Cows.
The meat will be ready end of October or early November. The calf and mama will not be butchered.
The price will be no higher than $4.75/lb.
No hormones, no antibiotics. They are only on pasture so no grain. The only medication they were given was a vaccine for anthrax.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: Chest to Wall, 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min. Be sure to chalk out where your palms are. Strive to get a bit closer to the wall each set.
Intermediate and Advanced:
5-10 heel taps and hold on last set x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps and hold on last set x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5 wall kick-ups, working to find the 'sweet spot,' pause for a second and come down. rest 20 sec x 4 sets
B. Tire Drags - Go towards 15th Avenue, not the purple garage.
Beginners: 50 meters @ 100 or so lbs AFAP
rest 2 min
7 sets
Intermediate: 50 meters @ 125 or so lbs AFAP
rest 2 min
7 sets
Advanced: 50 meters @ 175 lbs or so AFAP
rest 2 min
7 sets
Beginners: Chest to Wall, 30 sec hold x 5 sets; rest 1 min. Be sure to chalk out where your palms are. Strive to get a bit closer to the wall each set.
Intermediate and Advanced:
5-10 heel taps and hold on last set x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps and hold on last set x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5 wall kick-ups, working to find the 'sweet spot,' pause for a second and come down. rest 20 sec x 4 sets
B. Tire Drags - Go towards 15th Avenue, not the purple garage.
Beginners: 50 meters @ 100 or so lbs AFAP
rest 2 min
7 sets
Intermediate: 50 meters @ 125 or so lbs AFAP
rest 2 min
7 sets
Advanced: 50 meters @ 175 lbs or so AFAP
rest 2 min
7 sets
Friday, August 12, 2011
A. Back Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min.
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
Remember: you only need 4-5 warm up sets. Here is an example based on my push press. My 1RM is 135 lbs. So I would do 5 reps with an empty bar, then 2 reps x 85 lbs, 1 rep x 105 lbs, 1 rep x 115 lbs, 1 rep x 125 lbs.
These warm up sets are not an exact science. You have to go by feel. If I hit 125 lbs but it wasn't very solid, I might do it again, or I might go to just 130 lbs.
Also, do not be discouraged if you do not PR every time you lift. Your goal is to come within 90% of your 1RM. If you haven't made any gains for awhile, but you are really solid at your 1RM, you can also do your doubles at a slightly heavier weight. So for instance, on my front squat, I have been hovering at 160 lbs. I do my doubles @ 145 lbs. Yesterday I hit 162 lbs so I did my doubles at 147 lbs.
B. Push Press
Beginners: 3,3, 3, 3, rest 2 min
Intermediate: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets.
C. 100 meter sprint (50 meters there and back).
rest 2 min.
6 sets
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min.
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
Remember: you only need 4-5 warm up sets. Here is an example based on my push press. My 1RM is 135 lbs. So I would do 5 reps with an empty bar, then 2 reps x 85 lbs, 1 rep x 105 lbs, 1 rep x 115 lbs, 1 rep x 125 lbs.
These warm up sets are not an exact science. You have to go by feel. If I hit 125 lbs but it wasn't very solid, I might do it again, or I might go to just 130 lbs.
Also, do not be discouraged if you do not PR every time you lift. Your goal is to come within 90% of your 1RM. If you haven't made any gains for awhile, but you are really solid at your 1RM, you can also do your doubles at a slightly heavier weight. So for instance, on my front squat, I have been hovering at 160 lbs. I do my doubles @ 145 lbs. Yesterday I hit 162 lbs so I did my doubles at 147 lbs.
B. Push Press
Beginners: 3,3, 3, 3, rest 2 min
Intermediate: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets.
C. 100 meter sprint (50 meters there and back).
rest 2 min.
6 sets
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: 30 sec chest to wall handstand x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate and advanced: 5-10 heel taps and hold on last rep x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps and hold on last rep x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5 kick-ups x 4 sets; rest 30 sec
B. Power Cleans
Beginners: 5, 5, 5, Go from the hang position; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
C. 5 Pull-ups (static)
5 ring dips
AMRAP in 12 min.
If you do not have a pull-up, use a band that enables you to do 3 reps unbroken.
If you only have 1 pull-up, reduce the reps to 2.
If you have 2 pull-ups, reduce the reps to 3.
If you do not have a ring dip, nor a 5 second support hold on the rings, use a band that enables you to do 3 reps unbroken.
If you do not have a ring dip, but you have a 5 second support hold on rings, use a band that enables you to do 3 reps unbroken.
If you have 1 ring dip, do 2 reps.
If you have 2 ring dips, do 3 reps.
Beginners: 30 sec chest to wall handstand x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate and advanced: 5-10 heel taps and hold on last rep x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5-10 toe taps and hold on last rep x 2 sets; rest 1 min
5 kick-ups x 4 sets; rest 30 sec
B. Power Cleans
Beginners: 5, 5, 5, Go from the hang position; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
C. 5 Pull-ups (static)
5 ring dips
AMRAP in 12 min.
If you do not have a pull-up, use a band that enables you to do 3 reps unbroken.
If you only have 1 pull-up, reduce the reps to 2.
If you have 2 pull-ups, reduce the reps to 3.
If you do not have a ring dip, nor a 5 second support hold on the rings, use a band that enables you to do 3 reps unbroken.
If you do not have a ring dip, but you have a 5 second support hold on rings, use a band that enables you to do 3 reps unbroken.
If you have 1 ring dip, do 2 reps.
If you have 2 ring dips, do 3 reps.
Flux Class Schedule August 15th - 21st
Darci, Verne and I are getting ready to leave for Haifa, Israel this Saturday so we can complete a week long movement camp with our dear friend Ido Portal! Our fabulous Flux coaches Mieka and Jane will be steering the ship for us while we're away.
The schedule will be as follows:
Flux Schedule for Week of August 15th - 21st
Monday, Aug 15th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Tuesday, Aug 16th
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
7:30-8:30 - Gymnastics
Wednesday, Aug 17th
noon-1pm - WOD
4:30pm-5:30pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Thursday, Aug 18th
5pm-6pm - WOD
6pm-7pm - Mobility and Pre-Hab
7pm-8pm WOD
Friday, Aug 19th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30-7:30pm - WOD
Saturday, Aug 20th
9am-10am - WOD
10am-11am - WOD
Sunday, Aug 21st
The schedule will be as follows:
Flux Schedule for Week of August 15th - 21st
Monday, Aug 15th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Tuesday, Aug 16th
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
7:30-8:30 - Gymnastics
Wednesday, Aug 17th
noon-1pm - WOD
4:30pm-5:30pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30pm-7:30pm - WOD
Thursday, Aug 18th
5pm-6pm - WOD
6pm-7pm - Mobility and Pre-Hab
7pm-8pm WOD
Friday, Aug 19th
7am-8am WOD
noon-1pm - WOD
5:30pm-6:30pm - WOD
6:30-7:30pm - WOD
Saturday, Aug 20th
9am-10am - WOD
10am-11am - WOD
Sunday, Aug 21st
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
A. Back Levers
5 sec hold x 4 sets; rest 1 min.
B. Front Squats
Beginner: 22x2, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
C. On a 2 minute clock:
Run 200 meters
20 box jumps 20/24 "
AMRAP ring push-ups
Rest 4 min
5 sets
Beginners: use a 3 minute clock and do regular push-ups.
5 sec hold x 4 sets; rest 1 min.
B. Front Squats
Beginner: 22x2, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go to a 1RM, drop 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
C. On a 2 minute clock:
Run 200 meters
20 box jumps 20/24 "
AMRAP ring push-ups
Rest 4 min
5 sets
Beginners: use a 3 minute clock and do regular push-ups.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
A. Back Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min.
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min.
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
B. Pull-ups
Beginner: 1 negative x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate: 1-5 chin-ups or pull-ups @ 10x1; rest 2 min.
Advanced: either false grip pull-ups, muscle-ups or 1 hand pull-ups - you decide.
C. AMRAP of DU in 30 sec.
rest 30 sec
5 sets
Work with a partner on Part C.
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min.
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min.
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
B. Pull-ups
Beginner: 1 negative x 5 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate: 1-5 chin-ups or pull-ups @ 10x1; rest 2 min.
Advanced: either false grip pull-ups, muscle-ups or 1 hand pull-ups - you decide.
C. AMRAP of DU in 30 sec.
rest 30 sec
5 sets
Work with a partner on Part C.
Farewell to Tamara
Tamara is leaving Saskatchewan for Vancouver. Come hang out and celebrate Tamara's time at Flux and wish her luck on a new chapter in her life.
We will be having wine after gymnastics this Tuesday night.
We will be having wine after gymnastics this Tuesday night.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A. Front Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: GO up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
Beginners: do downward dogs: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 1 min
Intermediate: Find your 1RM, go to a height that you can do for 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
Advanced: Find your 1RM, go to a height that you can do for 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
C. 20 toes to bar
10 power clean and jerk 95/135 lbs
400 meter run
rest 4 min
3 sets
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: GO up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min.
Beginners: do downward dogs: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 1 min
Intermediate: Find your 1RM, go to a height that you can do for 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
Advanced: Find your 1RM, go to a height that you can do for 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
C. 20 toes to bar
10 power clean and jerk 95/135 lbs
400 meter run
rest 4 min
3 sets
A. Handstands
B. Back Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3, rest 2 min.
Advanced: Go to your 1 Rep MAX, Strip your bar 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min. (You should do a total of 5 warm-up lifts).
thrusters x 10 75/115 lbs
box jumps x 10
sprint 100 meters
rest 3 min
4 sets
B. Back Squats
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3, rest 2 min.
Advanced: Go to your 1 Rep MAX, Strip your bar 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min. (You should do a total of 5 warm-up lifts).
thrusters x 10 75/115 lbs
box jumps x 10
sprint 100 meters
rest 3 min
4 sets
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Friday, August 5 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A1. Front Squats
Beginners: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2, rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3, rest 2 min
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
A2. Front Levers
Beginners: 10 sec hold with elevated scaps and working hard to pull rib cage to ceiling x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: 10 sec hold with knees pushed against elbows x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: 10 sec hold without knees pushed out, extending knees out past bar; rest 1 min
B. Toes to Bar x 30 sec AMRAP
Shoulder touches x 30 sec AMRAP
rest 3 min
4 sets
If you are not ready for shoulder touches aim for 30 sec handstand hold.
C. KB Snatch Ladder 35/50 lbs: 7 down
Do 7 reps each arm and then 6 and then 5...down to 1 per arm.
For Time
Beginners: do 1 arm kb swing
Beginners: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2, rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3, rest 2 min
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2 min
A2. Front Levers
Beginners: 10 sec hold with elevated scaps and working hard to pull rib cage to ceiling x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Intermediate: 10 sec hold with knees pushed against elbows x 4 sets; rest 1 min
Advanced: 10 sec hold without knees pushed out, extending knees out past bar; rest 1 min
B. Toes to Bar x 30 sec AMRAP
Shoulder touches x 30 sec AMRAP
rest 3 min
4 sets
If you are not ready for shoulder touches aim for 30 sec handstand hold.
C. KB Snatch Ladder 35/50 lbs: 7 down
Do 7 reps each arm and then 6 and then 5...down to 1 per arm.
For Time
Beginners: do 1 arm kb swing
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
The History of Bulgarian Weightlifting
Check out this article on the history of weightlifting in Bulgaria. It all began with Coach Ivan Abadjiev. Abadjiev is responsible for the superior weightlifting that has come out of Bulgaria. Abadjiev trained Alexander Varbanov who in turn trained Pierre Auge - a very fascinating history to say the least.
A pet peeve of mine regarding the Bulgarian method - naysayers often dismiss the Bulgarian's accomplishments with weightlifting as a result of steroid use. Hah! North Americans are not immune to steroid use in sport and that certainly includes weightlifting. And that's all I have to say on that subject.
A pet peeve of mine regarding the Bulgarian method - naysayers often dismiss the Bulgarian's accomplishments with weightlifting as a result of steroid use. Hah! North Americans are not immune to steroid use in sport and that certainly includes weightlifting. And that's all I have to say on that subject.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
A. Back Squat
Beginners: @ 22x2, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
Advanced: Work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2-3 min.
B. Push Press
Beginners: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2-3 min.
C. On a two minute clock:
Run 400 meters
AMRAP push-ups
Rest 2 min
2 sets
Beginners: On a three minute clock. Rest 3 min x 2 sets
Beginners: @ 22x2, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
Advanced: Work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2-3 min.
B. Push Press
Beginners: 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: work up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets; rest 2-3 min.
C. On a two minute clock:
Run 400 meters
AMRAP push-ups
Rest 2 min
2 sets
Beginners: On a three minute clock. Rest 3 min x 2 sets
Monday, August 1, 2011
A. Handbalancing
Beginners: 30 sec hold x 4 sets; rest 1 min
ADVANCED: 10 toe taps x 2 sets and hold; rest 1 min
10 heel taps x 2 sets and hold; rest 1 min
10 handstand attempts No wall
B. Front Squat
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2 rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets
C. AMRAP in 1 min:
beginner: ring rows
intermediate: static chin-ups or pull-ups
advanced: weighted chin-ups or pull-ups (NO KIP) @ 15 lbs and 40 lbs
zero seconds rest
AMRAP Burpee Box Jumps in 1 mIn @ 20/24 "
3 sets
Beginners: 30 sec hold x 4 sets; rest 1 min
ADVANCED: 10 toe taps x 2 sets and hold; rest 1 min
10 heel taps x 2 sets and hold; rest 1 min
10 handstand attempts No wall
B. Front Squat
Beginner: 5, 5, 5 @ 22x2 rest 2 min
Intermediate: 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Advanced: Go up to a 1RM, drop the weight 20 lbs and do 2 reps x 3 sets
C. AMRAP in 1 min:
beginner: ring rows
intermediate: static chin-ups or pull-ups
advanced: weighted chin-ups or pull-ups (NO KIP) @ 15 lbs and 40 lbs
zero seconds rest
AMRAP Burpee Box Jumps in 1 mIn @ 20/24 "
3 sets
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