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We are excited to launch a new home on the web for Flux School of Human Movement! Check out our new website right here  (same URL as befor...

Monday, November 9, 2009

flux CrossFit video #1

Here is the first flux CrossFit video (click on the blog title if the video doesn't work on this page):

And there are many more to come!


  1. I've seen this video twice and have been waiting for it to post on the internet. It gives me goose bumps. Loved the little kids section and the very beginning and the very end.

  2. The video looks awesome

  3. Good work! Love those Flux t-shirts!

  4. This video is FANTASTIC!!! I am soooo jealous.... I have been sick for ages and am missing my workouts!! I want to be in the next one!

  5. Hey Katherine,
    we miss you too.
    Come back soon!
