I have seen big improvements in people's static pull-ups and push-ups.
A. 3 Squat Clean and Jerks @ 120/180 lbs
zero seconds rest
10 burpees AFAP
2 arms only rope climbs
rest 5 minutes
4 sets
If you cannot climb the rope arms only use your legs.
If you cannot climb the rope do either 3-5 pull-ups or 5 perfect ring rows.
If you are very new to the clean and jerk do 7 reps at a much lighter weight.
B. Pushing
Beginners: Find your Max push-up for depth, add some height and do 2-3 reps for 4 sets; rest 1 min.
Intermediate: 1-5 reps on the minute for 7 min.
Advanced: 1-3 PPP on the minute for 7 min.
More Advanced: 1-3 PPP on the rings x 5 sets; rest 2 min.
Wow, that was really tough. Would have never guessed that the jerks would be the 'easy' part.