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Friday, August 22, 2014

GUT TALK - What is Resistant Starch, Butyrate and Why They Make for a Happy Gut

"During the co-evolution of man and microbes, the human intestinal tract is colonised by some thousand species of bacteria. Gut borne microbes outnumber the total of body tissue cells by a factor of ten. Recent metagenomics analysis of the human gut microbiota has revealed the presence of some 3.3 million genes, as compared to the mere 23 thousand genes present in the cells of the human body tissues."

--Rijkers et al, Gut Microbiota in health and disease: a personalised summary of 
the 3rth workshop

WOW!!! Seriously contemplate the above quote. - 3.3 million genes of microbacteria.  The number is mind boggling. 

To learn all about resistant starch, an important PREBIOTIC, click on the article below by Dr. Amy Nett, MD.

Dr. Net writes, "Prebiotics are indigestible carbohydrates, or at least indigestible to us, that reach the colon intact and selectively feed many strains of beneficial bacteria.  Prebiotics are generally classified into three different types: non-starch polysaccharides (such as inulin and fructooligosaccharide), soluble fiber (including psyllium husk and acacia fibers), and resistant starch (RS).  Each of these types of prebiotics feeds different species of gut bacteria, but among these, RS is emerging as uniquely beneficial."

Resistant starch ferments in your gut and produces short chain fatty acids, the most important one being BUTYRATE.    You can read all about Butyrate and its benefits below.   The article was written by the neurobiologist Stephan Guyenet. 


The ANIMAL PHARM blog is another  great place to start your research on RS and bacteria in general.


And finally read the following article for instructions on how to mix up your own BIONIC RESISTANT STARCH.


I hope you find this material compelling and thought provoking. Enjoy Your Gut as Yourself!!!!

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