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Friday, August 23, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

We are going to do the First WOD of the BCBD tomorrow. For those of you who have no idea what that is, it stands for Bridge City Beat Down and it is a CrossFit competition held in Saskatoon.  You will have a partner for this unless you are in the Beasts division.  

20 minute warm of florieo and locomotion please. 

BEASTS: 7 RFT – 20 KBS & circle run. (10 min time cap)
Athletes start in their station facing spectators and hands can not touch the KB until given the go signal. Athlete completes 20 kettlebell swings, when KBS are complete, they then complete one lap around the arena (approx 150m), and re-enter their station before beginning the next round of KBS. Athlete will complete 7 rounds of this for time. Crossing the line into your station on the last run stops the clock.
SCORING: total time. 10 min time cap (one second added for each rep not completed. run = 1 rep)
WEIGHTS: females – 16kg, males – 24kg
BRUTES: 10 min AMRAP – partner 1 (15 KBS & circle run), tags, partner 2 (15 KBS & circle run), repeat.
Both athletes start in your station facing spectators, and hands can not touch the KB until given the go signal. Athlete 1 completes 15 kettlebell swings. When KBS are complete, athlete 1 then completes one run around the arena (approx 150m). When athlete 1 crosses back into their station, they can tag athlete 2, and athlete 2 does their 15 KBS and one lap around arena. Athletes have to tag (make some form of contact) while both of them are in their station behind the line. Teams keep rotating each round through this as many times as possible in 10 mins.
SCORING: total reps. (run = 1 rep)
WEIGHTS: females – 16kg, males – 24kg
KBS: Athlete must be in their station and facing the spectators. At the top of the movement, athlete must acheive full extension of knees, hips, shoulders, elbows fully locked out and feet together with KB in control and above a 90 degree plane (KB does not have to be completely up-and-down but can’t pass below a parallel line with the floor). WATCH VIDEO
CIRCLE RUN: Athlete must start behind the line in their station. To complete the run, athlete must finish within their station.

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