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Sunday, August 25, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013

Keep the warm up to 10 minutes:
Brachiation - for the advanced folks, try and brachiate with the "twist" 1/2 way around the bar. 
400 meter run at 50 % intensity followed by the dragon (low gate position)

BCBD competitors, please scroll  all the way to the bottom. You are doing workout number 2, sort of. 

A. Clean
Beginners: 3 clean grip deadlifts plus 3 hang power cleans plus 3 cleans x 5 sets; rest 90 sec.

Intermediate: 2 clean grip deadlifts plus 1 hang power clean plus 1 clean x 5 sets; rest 90 sec.

Advanced: In 15  minutes, max clean from blocks - no doubles. Then 5 clean pulls x 3 sets. Starting weight should be what you hit on your max clean from blocks. Do not rest more than 60 sec.

B. Advanced
AMRAP in 15 minutes
HSPU - strict and chest to wall.  Take your height for your 5 RM for this one.  x 3 reps
Split Jumps  x 20 reps
muscle ups x 1-3 Strict If 3 is easy for you, add in a forward or a backward roll. May use a spot if you are close to a muscle up. If you use a spot you must do 2 reps

AMRAP in 15 minutes
Downward Dogs x 5 reps
Split jumps or walking lunges x 20 reps
Either 2 bent arm muscle ups, May have a spot, or;
2 strict chin up and 2 strict ring dips, or;
3 ring rows @ 30x3 and 3 bar dips, or;
3 ring rows @ 30x3 and 5 push ups


BEASTS: 1 MIN ON, 1 MIN OFF of Tire Flips, Bar MUs, Axle Bench Press, Log C&P, finish with 90 SEC Dball slam – FOR REPS.
Athletes start with tire flips, can not touch tire until given the go signal, and do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. The tire must be flipped back and forth (once in each direction). Then, they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the Bar MU station.
On the go signal, can not touch bar until that time, the athlete does as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Then, they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the Axle Bench Press station.
On the go signal, can be set up on bench but can not touch bar until that time, the athlete does as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Then they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the Log Clean & Press station.
On the go signal, can not touch log until that time, the athlete does as many reps as possible in 60 seconds. Then they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the available judge in the Dball Slam station.
On the go signal, can not touch Dball until that time, the athlete does as many reps as possible in 90 seconds. On the Dball Slam station judges will have a timer for the 90 seconds so make sure you do NOT stop until the JUDGE says stop, as you will be off time from the regular 60 second interval of the rest of the workout.
NOTE: If athlete can not complete a rep at any station, they simply get extra rest time (to crush the other stations) and wont receive any reps for that station.
SCORING: 2 scoring opportunities. Combined total reps of tire/MU/Bench/Log. Total reps of Dball slams.
WEIGHTS: females – Tire-tba/Bench-125#/Log-tba/Dball-20#, males – Tire-tba/Bench-225#/Log-tba/Dball-25#

BRUTES: 1 MIN ON, 1 MIN OFF of Tire Flips, Pull-ups, Axle Bench Press, Log C&P, finish with 90 SEC Dball slam – FOR REPS.
Teams have a combined 60 seconds to work together at each station – so you take turns with one athlete working at time (with exceptions to the tire flips and Dball slam stations).
Athletes start with tire flips, can not touch tire until given the go signal, and do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds, and can either do a 2 person or individual tire flip. The tire must be flipped back and forth (once in each direction). Then, they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the Pull-up station.
On the go signal, can not touch bar until that time, the athletes do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds, with only one athlete working at a time. Then, they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the Axle Bench Press station.
On the go signal, can be set up on bench but can not touch bar until that time, the athletes do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds, one athlete working at a time. Then, they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the Log Clean & Press station.
On the go signal, can not touch log until that time, the athletes do as many reps as possible in 60 seconds, one athlete working at a time. Then they will have 60 seconds rest to get their score sheet from that judge and move to the available judge in the Dball Slam station.
On the go signal (can not touch Dball until that time) the athletes do as many reps as possible in 90 seconds, each athlete will have their own Dball so both will be working at the same time. On the Dball Slam station judges will have a timer for the 90 seconds so make sure you do NOT stop until the JUDGE says stop, as you will be off time from the regular 60 second interval of the rest of the workout.
NOTE: If both athletes can not complete a rep at any station, they simply get extra rest time (to crush the other stations) and wont receive any reps for that station. One athlete can work for the whole time by themselves if they wish, or they can switch off however they choose within their 60 seconds.
SCORING: 2 scoring opportunities. Combined total reps of tire/MU/Bench/Log. Total reps of Dball slams combined.
WEIGHTS: females – Tire-tba/Bench-95#/Log-tba/Dball-15#, males – Tire-tba/Bench-185#/Log-tba/Dball-20#


TIRE FLIPS: Tire must be flipped one side to the other within the lane. Teams can help each other flip the tire if they wish. WATCH VIDEO

BAR MUSCLE UP: Arms must be fully extended at the bottom of the position. At the top you must have elbows fully locked out. These will be performed on the dirty south bar, so please be careful.WATCH VIDEO

PULL-UP: Arms must be fully extended at the bottom of the position. At the top your chin must pass the horizontal plane of the bar. In teams, only one athlete working at a time. WATCH VIDEO

AXLE BENCH PRESS: Movement starts will fully locked out elbows at the top. Bar must come down and make physical contact with your body (chest), and come back up to full extension. “Bouncing” will be permitted. Feet must stay in contact with floor at all times. Spotters will be available. BRUTES: Only one athlete working at a time, and can switch at any point necessary. WATCH VIDEO

LOG CLEAN & PRESS: Log starts on ground. For a completed rep, bar must come overhead under control with feet together and full lock out of knees, hips, shoulders and elbows. Even though it is called a clean & press, athletes can use whatever method they want to get the log overhead (snatch, clean & jerk…). In teams, only one athlete working at a time. WATCH VIDEO

DBALL SLAM: At the top of the movement, the ball must break the vertical plan of your heal with your knees and hips locked out (elbows do not have to be straight). At the bottom position ball must be on the ground and you must finish a full squat with the crease of your hip below the knee. In teams, each athlete will have their own Dball and will be working at the same time. WATCH VIDEO 

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