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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Charles Poliquin "The (Many) Negatives of Aerobic Training

"What about the cardio?" This is the question often posed to me at Flux. Much of this obsession with long distance running began with the aerobics craze in the 80s.  Read below to understand the difference between aerobic and anaerobic and more importantly, how each affects weight gain and weight loss - in particular weight gain around the abdominal region.

 The following articles are written by Charles Poliquin, a very well respected exercise physiologist who has worked with countless olympic and other high performance athletes. You don't need to do crazy amounts of cardio to lose weight! In fact, long slow duration activity may hinder your weight loss goals, increase inflammation and raise cortisol levels.


Take a look at the article below, also by Poliquin on the different types of belly fat and what they mean.  Again, the best way to combat belly fat? High intensity Training!



  1. I completely agree with you Darci, and Charles, conventional grinding cardio is not the way. Even looking at the body types of cardio junkies, marathon runners and so on; they are not the pictures of health. Why else is the last ten pounds the hardest to shed for those on the treadmills?

    Besides studies have shown that High Intensity Training and Strength training carry over into aerobic/cardio areas. So if you are worried your cardio if lacking, you would be surprised if you test yourself.


  2. Thật là tuyệt vời qua những nội dung trong bài của bạn, mình tin rằng là sẽ có nhiều người tìm những điều này
    mình cũng xin được góp thêm 1 vài kinh nghiệm trong chia sẻ dưới đây: đồ tập gym
