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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Clarifications on the 6 week paleo proposition

Some questions that have arisen regarding our paleo challenge:

1. What about dairy? A strict paleo diet does not allow dairy but we need not be dogmatic about such things. The 'primal' point of view does advocate dairy, especially butter. You decide for yourself. Things to consider when making the decision whether or not to eliminate dairy. The quality of the product. After all the research I have done on industrial dairy farming I am reluctant to eat too much of it but I do eat butter and cream. When I can get my hands on raw, pastured dairy I practically bathe in it! Dairy is a powerful growth promoter, so a glass of milk after a workout isn't a bad idea. One thing Robb mentioned at the paleo seminar was that if one of your goals is weight loss and you are 'stuck,' eliminate dairy. Finally, go without dairy for a few weeks and then reenter it into your diet. Note any differences in how you feel.

2. What about legumes, rice and corn? Still high in carbs, and therefore insulin spiking.

3. A common mistake people make when they make the switch to paleo is that they do not get enough fat and therefore feel hungry. Eat your fat!! Your brain needs it!

Some fats to eat: avocado, coconut oil, coconut milk, butter, olive oil, nuts. And of course animal fat.

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