Darci and I want to sincerely thank you for your patience over the past few days while all of us (including Verne) have been tending to some important family matters. As many of you know Darci's grandfather has been in the hospital and things took a turn for the worse this past week while we were away.
Here is the schedule for the holidays:
Thursday, December 24 - 9am
Friday, December 25 - closed
Saturday, December 26 - 1pm
Thursday, December 31 - 7am, 8am, noon, 5pm
Friday, January 1 - closed
Saturday, January 2 - 9am, 10am
flux CrossFit Kids classes will resume on Sunday, January 3 at 1pm.
All other days will continue on as regularly scheduled.
We look forward to seeing you this week!
From all of us here at flux CrossFit, we wish you a happy, safe, and active holiday!
Darci and Charity
Oh. Now you tell me.