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Wednesday, June 23, 2010


I do not tend to advocate supplements for CrossFitters. It is much preferable to get the nutrients your body needs by eating real food. Fish oils, for instance, are a poor substitute for fish. There, are however, a few basic supplements worth looking into. These are all supplements that Robb Wolf provided information on at his Paleo Seminar.

1. Zinc: Essential for a robust immune system. Apparently athletes are often deficient in zinc. CrossFit is rigorous (duh!) You might want to consider taking this inexpensive mineral.

2. Magnesium or the proprietor's blend Natural Calm. Important in protein synthesis and it aids in balancing the acid/alkaline balance. A natural sleep aid. Folks have commented that zinc and magnesium give them crazy, vivid dreams.Robb recommends taking it before bed on an empty stomach.

3. R- Alpha lipoic acid _ fat and water soluble anti-oxidant. Critical in glutathione production. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant.

4. Vitamin D

5. Fish Oil

4. Acetyl L- Carnitine Important co-factor in neuro-transmitter production.

Nature's Best on Lorne is a good place to find reliable information on supplements and the co-owner, Carole, is my neighbour. I buy protein powder there, as well as some of the above mentioned supplements.

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