Below is a message from Janeen of Cool Springs Ranch. She will be coming into the city on Friday at 5 pm. Place your orders now! This is a great opportunity to purchase some delicious and sustainably grown meat!
Wow - it's been a long time since I sent out any news but it's kinda like "not wanting to announce the baby before it's born"!
I wouldn't be lieing to say that this has been a very slow agonizing process - getting our meatshop ready to go - but we are nearly there! Some of the last details to go are: getting a hold of a cord that DIDN't ARRIVE (>:I )with the rail scale and getting the big rail-accomadating door made for the cooler (we are making do with slabs of styrofoam insulation nailed there for now!)
But the animals are still out there just grazing and growing and waiting for us(well probably not!)
We DID get started last week by processing our first batch of chickens last week - they look really good! Most of them we bagged in heat-shrink bags (we finished up eating some chickens over a year old the other day and they are as perfect as the day they were butchered - I LOVE those bags!) And we cut up a big lot of them as well and Cryovac-packaged them, so they will keep real well too.
Today, we are butchering 4 pigs and a beef and this will be the first (of things for sale) to get into the cooler - YAY!! My dad, Lyle, is heading to Saskatoon tonight and coming home with a trailer for deliveries. Thursday we cut and wrap and Friday we are making our first trip!
So... the wait is over...(some of you have been waiting patiently for a long time!) I realize this is short notice but if you have an order you would like to make, just go on the website and place it by 9:00pm Thursday night
Free-Range chicken (whole or parts), Free-range Pork (boxed packs for now - cuts and healthy processed meats coming later)and Free-range Eggs are all listed and available right now. Grass-fed beef will be ready the next month's trip and Turkeys for Thanksgiving.
***Just so you know *** The chicken prices will be calculated at delivery by the pound - it is NOT the price you see - that is just an average package price.
The plan is to meet in Saskatoon at 12:00 on Friday and Regina at 5:00 on the same day. I am just confirming the locations and will let you know as I am positive. Then we can exchange food and payment - check or cash is fine.
I'm really looking forward to meeting many of you and putting names to faces!